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                   January 2th 2008.
Jade Jenkins was walking back home from work.Cold,chilly feeling wrapping around her body,snowflakes starting to fall down on her body and hair.She looked up and frowned.It was snowing and raining at the same time.And she had no umbrella.With quick step she walked home.Right before opening her front door her phone rang.She took it out with shaking from the cold hands and looked at the ID of the caller.
Her boyfriend's name was on the screen.She answered.
"Yes baby what's up?"
She held her phone with one hand,unlocking the door with the other.An unfamiliar voice spoke to her.
"Is this miss Jade Jenkins?"
"Yes it is."
She worriedly responded while closing the door behind her.
"We wanted to inform you that your husband was shot in a robbery of the bank he is working in."
Jades heart sinked in her chest.Aching badly at the thought of her Alex lifeless body.
"W-where is he?"
She asked with a shacking voice about to burst into tears.
"At the Gotham General Hospital miss.Please come so you can identify the body."
Politely asked the person behind the phone.Jade nodded and put her phone back in her purse while literally running out of her house.
The hospital wasn't far from her house.About 5-6 minutes.
She was running.Hot tears streaming down her cold cheeks.Her whole face was red,her lips trembling and her eyes seeing nothing but her tears.
  As she walked in the hospital she was greeted by a police officer,probably the one she was talking with on the phone.
"Miss Jade?"
She just nodded in response.
"Follow me please"
She followed behind the tall,slender figure of the cop.Few seconds later already in front of a dark oak door.
Was written on the door.The word itself made her stomach make backflips in her.
The cop opened the door allowing Jade to see what is inside.Something she would never want to see again.
About 4 tables with bodies on them,covered with white blankets.
One of the bodies had its face uncovered.Jade walked closer to it,trembling and hoping.

"Please don't be Alex"

She slowly looked at the body,instantly wanting to vomit her dinner out.The trembling woman covered her mouth and more tears began to stream down her face.The policeman walked over to the body and covered its face,looking at Jade,understanding that this on the table was indeed Alex Parker.

Her Alex Parker.

Her Alex Parker that she was about to marry after one month.

She turned around,walking out of the morgue,straight to the exit.

  She walked and walked,it felt like hours even though it was only 5 minutes.She saw her home.The home she was living with him. The woman walked in her house,locking the door.She let her purse fall on the ground.Jade walked over the couch and sat down.She wasn't crying anymore.She wasn't feeling anymore.
The broken woman sat there for almost one painful hour when she got up, slowly walking to her purse.She picked it up,took her phone out and let it fall on the floor once again.
Jade sat in front of the TV.She turned it on,the news immediately popping up.Some things about the global warming was on.She called a number.
"Hey sweetheart.How are you?"
With trembling voice Jade spoke quietly.
"M-mom c-can you and dad come over tomorrow p-please?"
The woman on the other side of the phone asked worriedly.
"What happened baby?"
"Alex is dead"
Jade said immediately bursting into tears.Her mother tried to calm her with shaking voice.On the flat screen suddenly came up "Breaking news!Gotham's biggest bank was robbed with  numerous deaths!Who did it?We have the answer to that question!"
Jade ignored her mother's worried voice on the phone as she focused on the TV.
"The most dangerous and crazy criminal of Gotham created a massive explosion,killing several bank workers and civilians.You probably already know who he is."
Oh yes she did know.She did fucking know.
"The Joker himself has returned,being the number one in the wanted list!"
A picture of the Joker came on the flat screen,her stomach immediately turning.He was holding a gun in one hand and a switchblade in the other,a disgusting,frightening grin on his face.
Jade immediately turned off the TV and ran to the toiled,emptying her whole stomach in.
The fucking Joker killed her soon-to-be husband.And he was glad about it!
  She woke up in her bed,not remembering how she got there.She shot up from it when she heard her phone ringing.She got up and went to the living room where she left the phone yesterday's night.She took it and answered without looking at who called.
"Uhm hello?!"
Said Jade concerned.
"Am I speaking to miss Jade uhm Jenkins?"
She said,her hand trembling.She looked at the ID now and saw:
She immediately felt sick.
"We wanted to inform you that your mother and father were in a car accident."
Her heart hammering in her ears as she asked.
"H-how are they?"
She waited for a response,her eyes filling with tears once more.
"I'm sorry miss,we couldn't save them."
The phone fell from her hand,falling to the floor making a noise thunder alike to Jade.She sat on the cold floor,holding her messy hair in her hands and crying her eyes out,whispering to herself.
"All because of him."
Over and over.She started shaking realizing that she lost everyone she had.


She felt numb.No pain,no nothing.Numb.
She layed on the floor,crying as she whispered to herself:
"All because of him."
"All because of The Joker!."
She yelled,slamming her head on the floor on purpose.She felt dizzy,powerless and numb.Eventually passing out on the floor after crying for hours.

She lost everything and HE was the reason...

     |This is my first ever story I'm so excited to write guys!!I know not many will read it but still!I'm so proud of the idea I have in mind!Stay tuned!|

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