Dear Naomi

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 Hello my lovies, I am so sorry that I could not update my other works that I have been working one, but I have started another one. This idea of a short story hit me while I was sleeping and I had to get started on it. If there are any mistakes, please do comment and I would rectify it.


Dear Naomi,

If you’re reading this, then you should know that I left. There are a lot of things that I want to say, and I am not sure whether my words are enough to say it all. First of all, I am sorry that I have been such an asshole to you. I should have said something before leaving, but I was afraid that I would throw it all away and end up staying if I ever saw you in person. I was so close to just run back and stay with you, but you know that I had a lot of things to take care of.  I had to do this, I didn’t have a choice.  I know that you’re probably crying right now, trust me, I am too.

This is the hardest letter that I have ever written. But always remember this, If I had one wish, then I would wish for you. I would wish that I could turn back time and relive the moments that we shared together. I would wish that you could be mine forever. Maybe that’s a lot of wishes, but the only one that I want is you. Just you.

I feel like you’re the reason for everything. That maybe my (fucked up) life is actually worth living. Before I met you, I felt like I could not wait any longer, that I have to put an end to my misery. But then, you came along and took me to another world where I lost all my insecurities. You have given me hope when I thought that I have given up. You stood by me every time I wanted to give up. Every time I broke down crying, you were there to console me.  You taught me how to smile again. No one has ever made me happy as you. There are a billion things that I could go on about and still all of it wouldn’t be enough. I sound so much like a girl now, but that’s fine. If these girly words show how much I love you, then be it.

I want to do everything with you. I want to wake up every morning with you. I want to hear you say good morning to me one more time. I want to see you wearing my shirts again, doing the crazy dance thing that you always do. Bloody hell, I want every single moment in my life to include you. I know that I am asking for a lot, but I am selfish that way. I wish that I could explain everything to you how I feel. Because every night before I go to sleep, you’re all I think about. Even though I am a thousand miles away, my heart still belongs with you.

I want to be an awesome boyfriend, that one that you could show off to your friends. I would show up at your house with a bouquet of tulips in my hand, and take you on dates under the stars. I am sorry that all you got was a person who had a lot of burden on his shoulders (even though you disagree). Maybe one day, I can do all that.

You are the best thing that ever happened with me.

I know that this is all a lot to take in. But remember, one day we will never have to say goodbye, only goodnight. I know that I am asking a lot,( as I said, I am selfish) but I want you to be waiting for me.

By the way, I love you.

Your absolute selfish boyfriend who will be forever waiting for you (and wishes that you are too),



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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