Some really good law

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Uh, no stealing art/books for credit....? Know what (enter some really good law here)
Now, imma make it seem like I put effort into this so don't mind me as I spam the middle button and tell a story: once upon a time, I have a problem and I have no idea what I have done to them I just want you and I will have them and I have to get the girls and get back with them thank them love them and thanks for the good luck and I hope that they get you all to you enjoy and get them done thanks for the help and thanks again thanks doll I have to do a lot more stuff to do and get back with me and I have a lot of fun thanks again thanks doll love mom thank yourself love mom I hope she feels better thank her for letting her go home she will get to you and you have to take her home she will get you all good thanks for your time thanks doll I hope she is well thanks again thanks for checking in and thanks for checking on your dad I love him thank him love mom I hope she is well Uruguay was a way you can come home by yourself tomorrow and you have to take her juju for a good night she will be here tomorrow for her kids to come over tomorrow for her birth and John morning she will get back with her mom I love her and (hey if you read this,good job) was the way I can get it for her to get it to you thank her for letting me go and she said hi and she was doing well I love her mom I love you you too love mom and thanks doll I hope she is doing good thanks for the help I hope she is well thanks doll love

And this marks the end of this obviously beautiful chapter bai

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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