Walk You Home

496 42 106

(if you read the first part, it would be better)

"Why are you following me?"

Jisung stood still at his hiding spot, not even breathing.

"Come out already." (I'm gay lol sorry)

Jisung let out a deep breath and slowly walked beside Chenle.

"So why were you following me?"

"Uh ... I just ... wanted to walk you home (that's a bop) but couldn't ask."

"Well no need to be shy, we are already you know-."


They both laughed a little and walked side by side.

"Don't you live at the exact opposite direction from my house?"

"I do but I just wanna walk with you."

"Or just want to know my house!!" Chenle giggled.

"Goes like that too." Jisung said suddenly getting nervous.

They walked for some minutes more, in a peaceful silence.

"Well we are standing in front of my house now and... why don't you come inside?"

"This is a house?"

"Not really."

"You won't mind letting me inside?"

"No. Why would I?"

"Okay and your parents?"

"He sometimes comes home late."


"My brother."

"Oh." Jisung decided to not ask anymore questions.

At that moment a Tesla (😁) pulled at the driveway.

"Hey kiddo, I'm early today." Kun said, getting out of the car, seeing his brother.

"Oh mom I missed you." Chenle ran to him, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"I did too." Kun said returning the hug. "And stop calling me mom."

They detached seeing Jisung standing there, looking at them awkwardly.

"Who might you be?" Kun asked.

Jisung opened his mouth but, "Uh he is a friend of mine. Walked me home and I welcomed him to our house." Chenle cut him off.

Kun noticed the slight disappointment in Jisung when Chenle said the "friend" word.

"Well come on inside and make a move as fast as you can umm.."

"Jisung. I'm Park Jisung."

'So you are Park Jisung', "Jisung." Kun smiled. They all went inside the.. house.


"Let's go to my room." Chenle dragged Jisung along with him.

"Okayyy now what do you wanna do?"

"I have no idea." Jisung said awkwardly standing in the middle of the room.

"Hey don't be awkward, come on let's play some games."

"But shouldn't we do our homeworks?"

Chenle gave a him look of '😑' but agreed on the idea.

They were doing their homeworks sitting side by side.

"What was Kun talking about making a move?" Chenle abruptly asked.

"How I like-" Jisung suddenly what Chenle had asked, "to be called friend by you."

Walk You Home | CHENJI [✓]Where stories live. Discover now