Out in the open

667 4 7

Alberts POV;

I was walking home after going to the store to buy some roblox gift cards, with the *literally any brand really lol* bag in my hand, I felt a bit embarrassed, and tried walking quickly not really paying attention to my surroundings. From my peripheral vision  I saw a blue hoodie, and my mind quickly flashed to Jake. I halted and turned around just to see it was some teenager. Who is much taller than me...  I added to myself. I kept on walking sense people were starting to look at me and I was getting a bit nervous.

Once I was finally at my door I decided I wanted to record a video. I sat there for about 5-10 minutes thinking of a good idea, before my phone vibrated. I quickly picked it up to see my girlfriend— Kristen —

Text convo;


Hey baby!

Hi babe, what's up? I was just gonna record a video 😁💖

Oh, sorry for interrupting you then 💞

Nonono, it's fine, what did you wanted to ask me? If you were gonna ask something that is. Lol

Haha, yeah... I- uhm... I-I think it's better to talk in person..? I'll be over in 5, that good with you?

Oh... uhm, yeah babe. See you soon!

See ya💞

I turned my phone off and my heart sunk, it felt as if there was a huge hole in the pit of my stomach, I nervously fiddled with my fingers, wait for Kristen to show up, in the mean time to distract myself I went on Twitter, my mind wandered off to Jake again. And I went to his page, he didn't block me and I didn't block him but we stopped following each-other, and I looked at our old conversations and started to tear up.

After looking at almost all of jakes posts', I hear the doorbell ring and I assume it is Kristen, I open the door and it is, she comes in wiping her face with one of my hoodies I gave her. I instantly allow her to come in and we go upstairs into my room to talk.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" I ask desperately

"O-oh I- Albert..?" She looks at me with tears in her eyes and she sniffles

"Yes..?" I lean in closer to her and put my arms around her trying to comfort her.

"I— I think I need a break... f-from—" she cuts off and starts crying then wipes her eyes and takes in a shaky breath "— f-from us.." she looks at me, she looks so miserable. I give her a hug and whisper in her ear,

"That's fine.. just as long as you get better, and be happy.." I release the hug and look at her with some tears trickling down my face. She looks at me and nods in understanding, she then kisses me for 5 seconds then breaks the kiss.

"I love you so much.. I hope you know that. I'm just going through a tough time-" she chokes a bit on her words, "I-it's just some family problems and I— I can't handle the stres—" I cut her off

"It's fine. I promise I will be here for you." I smile and her and she returns the smile kindly.

Timeskip because I'm lazy lol

It's been almost two months since me and Kristen have been on break, I'm starting to think she found someone else, if she did I hope they suit her more than I suited her. I always wish the best for her..., but lately I've been having dreams about Jake, and now I'm questioning if I really am straight.

I'll just go outside... I think to myself, hoping to get my mind off things. I grab a coat Jake left at my house from 10 months ago, I can still smell him, so I wear it at night sometimes. I hate that our friendship ended the way it did, but I pushed that away and got my Nike shoes on and started to walk to the park, before I did I grabbed my phone and earbuds to listen to music and so people wouldn't talk to me. I got outside and locked my door, then finally started to walk to the park. I've been waking around it for about 45 minutes, and I'm starting to get tired. I decided to do one more lap around the place then get McDonald's and record a video. While I was walking I saw someone that looked like Jake, and he was staring at me, our eyes locked for a few seconds before he looked away, but I kept staring, he started to get up, but before he could leave I approached him.

"Hi..!" I said trying to strike conversation

Jakes POV

"Hi..!" Said the boy who I thought was Albert. I know it's strange, but Albert was oddly comfortable, and this boys voice sounded like his, so I turned around and.. there he was.. my ex(?)-best-friend. I almost cry but decided I didn't need to, because he.. he was right in front of me... wearing my old hoodie.. aww.

"A-Albert?" I say questioning making sure he is who I thought he was.

"Jake?" He says tearing up.

"Albert!" I say going in for a hug

We hug.. it felt so nice. I missed Albert a lot, I know I shouldn't have, but I could help it. He started crying in my jacket.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" I ask him, know he'd probably want McDonald's

"Y-yes" he sniffles

I give him another hug and take his hand and walk to my car.

"McDonald's?" I ask

"Yes please!" He says excitedly

He's so cute— wait, what am I thinking... I'm straight!, aren't I..?

W-whatever.. I think to myself and push away the thought of me and Albert together.

We get food and he starts eating in my car

"You're really hungry huh?" I say as i pull in some parking lot to eat with him

"Mhm" she try's to say but its muffle from the food in his mouth. He smiles at me trying not to laugh because he sounded ridiculous.

Okay, this took me like two days, I started it yesterday but I got tired so this is where it ends lol

Word count; 1066

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