Ch 1: alone

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Hinata Shouyou felt alone. Ever since he was eleven, he felt different. He felt broken.

He felt scared. No one would get the fact he was male.

He had a passion for volleyball, ever since then because of Karasuno's 'Little Giant'.

"Shou-chan! The match is about to begin! Get dressed!!"

That's right! His debut as a wing spiker!

But his chest was in pain, the ace bandages were constricting his breathing. He wanted to be male! He just wanted to be in the correct body!!

Why was that so hard to understand?

"Shou-chan! Get out here!!"

Hinata cringed as the ace bandages dug into his ribs.

This is the worst!! He thought sourly. Man up!!!

But it wasn't that simple! He was scared. Scared of losing his teammates, after all his hard work of presenting as a man! Scared of his family rejecting him. Scared of being killed. Stuff a kid wasn't supposed to be scared of at that age!

The match was brutal, they lost thier first team match in a tournament! Hinata was crying, feeling so angry with himself.

Next year it'll be different!!! No more being scared! He told himself after arriving home.

He hissed as the red marks on his torso burned from the bath water.

"Big sister get out of the bath! I need it!!" His little sister whined.
Big sister... It felt like a stab to the heart.
Tomorrow I start high school! This time as a boy!! Hinata told himself.

So I really like the Transvollys tag on tumblr it's super positive and everyone is nice! I thought writing this fic would be a good way of getting my feelings out, I am a transguy and this fic would be good for me to try to understand myself better
Xo jacky

Boy (some assembly needed) a Haikyuu! FanficWhere stories live. Discover now