Almost Perfect Reunion part 1

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 (^his outfit^)

I wake up to the screaming of my alarm clock and grumble in annoyance. I'm tired and don't want to wake up. So I do what any normal person would do, hit my alarm clock. I send It flying onto the carpeted floor of my room, silence, thank goodness. I pick my head up to see where it was and if I destroyed it. I saw it a couple inches from the bedside table and looked at it for a second, examining it. That's when the worst thing ever happened. It started going off again! With an agitated sigh, I through my head back into my pillow, grumbling and deciding it was time to get up.

Reluctantly, I get off my bed and head to the mirror. "Ugghh" I groaned when I saw my appearance. I looked like shit to say the least. My brown roots are showing through my green hair. I had hair stuck out at all angles and I had giant bags like I hadn't slept for days. I've been planning a party for two weeks but I've been going to sleep at the same time i usually do, i'm just stressed. I want everything to be perfect so I've been stocking up on food more than usual and trying not to throw things around as much so I don't make a mess.

I need this to be perfect because I haven't seen some of my friends since graduation. Cleo moved to Florida to finish high school and take the spot held for her at Orlando, Kane stayed down in Louisiana and left as soon as we graduated to live with Cleo in Florida. Katie moved up to Oregon not long after I did. Patrick moved to New York and Odessa has been traveling the world, sometimes with her girlfriend Melissa, sometimes by herself or other friends, but she lives in California with Melissa when she's not traveling, in a nice house. I went to visit her one week and it's beautiful there. And Kalvin, a short, brown haired guy with glasses. Its only been aboput a year since the last time I saw him though, he lives Idaho.

Unfortunately Melissa won't be joining us and there are a couple others who couldn't come, but I take what I can get when it comes to my group. I'm so excited to see my squad again, like ya sometimes they suck and there's drama but I couldn't ask for better friends.

Unconsciously I smile at the thought of seeing my friends again. It's just so exciting. I hear my phone go off signaling that I have a text message. I turn it on and see I have a message from "God", Katie, saying she's five minutes away. I replied "okay" and rushed to get some presentable clothes on. I attempt to fix my hair with little success and pick out some jeans and a green t-shirt, no shoes because i'm not going anywhere. As soon as I pull the shirt down I hear my doorbell ring. I told everyone to just walk in but none of them have ever been to my house, so I guess Katie didn't want to barge in in case it was the wrong house.

I go downstairs to open the door. When I open it I see Katie looking at my wind chimes and small decorations. She turns to look a the door and smiles real wide, green eyes sparkling with excitement. She runs and tackles me to the ground. Laughing as we got up off the ground, she looked the same as the last time I saw her except her dark brown hair was longer. She's wearing a black crop top under some overalls and of course she has on her signature dark green jacket that she named after me.

We hugged and she said " I missed you baby." as she squeezed the life out of me. " I missed you too babe." I said, squeezing her just as tight. People would always ask us if we were dating, but our relationship is platonic even if it looks otherwise. "Oh wow," someone said from the doorway behind us, "get a room." We let go of each other and look at the door and see Patrick standing there in his iron Spider jacket and a pair of black-red tinted shorts. He probably had a shirt that said something gay on it, he is the gay agenda of our group afterall. He has short, dark brown hair with grey eyes.

Katie sticks her tongue out at him like a child, and Patrick makes a funny face. I laugh at there antics and go towards the kitchen. They go straight for my cabinets and fridge, it's a good thing I bought triple of what I usually get because my friends eat, A LOT. I hear my phone go off again and take it out of my pocket to see who this message is from. "Taco" saying "running a bit late, traffic problems." Okay say Kane won't be here for a little while. I still haven't heard anything from Cleo and Odessa though. I assume Cleo is with Kane and Odessa doesn't normally text when driving.

I look up and watch as Patrick and Katie tag team my kitchen, taking whatever they want. I might have bought a lot of food and drinks but when Odessa gets here my kitchen will definetly be in trouble. For someone her size she eats a lot. You would think the girl didn't eat but she eats like a horse, all the time and in large amounts.

I see Patrick making hot dogs and wonder why he chose that over any of the other items of food. I don't eat hot dogs a lot, they aren't my favorite thing in the world. If i was absolutely starving and had nothing to eat except them i would do so. "I bet you can't shove three of those into your mouth." Katie says challenging him, "Bet! I can't eat them but I most definitely can shove three into my mouth!" Patrick says as he finishes making them the way he wants them. These two always had a challenge for the other and I honestly missed it. These challenges usually ended with everyone laughing until their stomachs hurt and it was hard to breath.

Patrick lifts up one hot dog and easily puts it in his mouth, then the second struggling slightly but succeeding, then the third. He struggled a great deal with this one as Katie and I laughed at him. It's not the first time he's done this, in school he would always put whole burgers in his mouth. So it's not putting the hot dog in his mouth he's struggling with but more that he's trying not to laugh with us. He finally gets the hot dog all the way in his mouth. He acts like he's going to spit it all on Katie and when we tell him what he looks like he barely makes it to the trash can before he bursted into a laughing fit. " Damn, I wanted those too what a waste." He says with a smile on his face, "Oh please, you liked the challenge." Katie responded laughing. I hear a knock on the door and go to open it leaving Katie and Patrick to do their own thing.

I notice the door never got closed but Kane is standing in the doorway anyway, probably not sure if this is the right place. He's taller than me by about three inches and his black hair is as curly as ever. He's wearing a t-shirt, basketball shorts, and a pair of Adidas shoes. I can't help but wonder how big his shoe collection has gotten since the last time I saw him. "Hey man, how are you?" I ask going to shake his hand and get pulled into a pat. " I'm good bro, it's been a while. Nice place." He says pulling away. He steps into the house fully and I close the door "Thanks, how's Florida treating you?" I see him make a face but he changes his expression before I can tell what the emotion was. "It's been nice, the beaches are beautiful, Cleo and I go every other weekend to relax."

Katie and Patrick join us and we all go sit on a couch or chair. "Speaking of Cleo have any of you talked to her or Odessa?" Katie shrugs, Patrick says something about being gay, and Kane scoffs. 'oh no' I think, That response definitely meant something was wrong. Kane and Cleo have been dating since the end of freshman year, and although they get upset with each other pretty often they always made up and everything was fine again, no matter how petty or severe the argument was they always worked it out. " Cleo left two weeks ago to Odessa and Melissa's house saying she needed space, I haven't talked to her since then." That's not good, this must be the biggest argument they've ever had. I hesitate to ask my next question not knowing if it was a good move, "Why?" I asked, I wasn't afraid he would flip out on me, I was afraid of what he would say. Had they broken up? Did he cheat? Did she cheat? The questions flooded my head, none of them being more than a thought.

He thought about his answer before responding "Nothing, just a small argument we can't resolve. Nothing to worry about." I want to know what the argument is about but i keep my mouth shut.

We talk for about an hour catching up and reminiscing. Some memories made us cry and some made us laugh. I heard a car outside but thought nothing of it other than a car passing by. Then my door bursts open, "Guess who's back bitches!!" Cleo busts into my house blowing air horns and Odessa walks in behind her trying to pop a confetti thing. Kane chuckles "She's so extra." "You got that right." I say in agreement.

Cleo and Odessa join us on the couches and we joke with them, and ask about the drive. They sit on the couch opposite of Kane and the tension between Cleo and him is noticable. They acted as if nothing was wrong, adding onto each others comments and joking as if there was no fight, but I could tell they didn't really want to be in the same room. We started a movie and just chilled. After the movie Patrick said he had to go, he's the only one who couldn't stay over night. We said our goodbyes and I started another movie, Cleo and Kane left to somewhere else in the house. Katie and I just chilled watching the movie, her head on my lap as I played with her hair and Odessa was on the other couch watching the movie while texting her girlfriend.


part 2: coming soon 

Whats up Rich here. Be sure to like this book if you enjoyed and don't forget to share. . It would mean a lot to Jeremy and me. If you have any ideas you'd like to see us try to create make sure to message us.  

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