Chapter 1

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Gently stroking his staff with one finger as he held it, the mysterious figure stood in the empty mansion that would serve as his home for the time being. Of course, it was very ornately decorated. Nothing less than the best to suit his tastes. It had been a while since he was up in this part of Britain, and he intended to make the most of it. That would, of course, include putting the fear of Lucifer into his enemies. All these years that he was gone, he was perfecting that particular talent. Now, he had all the tools in the world at his disposal! Suddenly, a loud crash jolted this person from their thoughts, and reminded them that they weren't alone. Pinching the bridge of their nose, they sighed, and began walking towards the room that the crash came from. Flinging open the door, he growled, "Just what, exactly, is the meaning of this?" From the floor, the grey-skinned girl with white hair shouted out, "Hey, don't blame me! It was Angel Dust's fault! He knows full well that if you come up in my grill, you will get smacked- and that's if I'm in a good mood!" The person (whom we shall refer to as MC until their name is revealed) continued to glare as he shifted his gaze towards Angel Dust. The white furred, four-armed demon stood up, and shouted, "Hey, what's with that look? I say something that can get remotely taken as a pick-up line, and you decide to jump down my throat over that? Come on, Vaggie. That's just sad." Sighing, MC picked up the two bickering demons, and held them apart from each other.

Oh, wait.

Did I forget to mention that they're demons?

Whoops. Sorry about that.

Essentially, these four are demons. I know I said "four", even though there are only three people in this room. Another one is coming soon. Right now, she's in the kitchen, making everyone some hot chocolate. But anyway, back to the story.

MC shot daggers at the demons that he was currently holding at arm's length. He did not drag them up from Hell just to deal with their incessant bickering! "Alright, you two. I don't know what all happened here, but I do know this. If you intend to live on this surface world with me, you're gonna have to behave, or I won't hesitate to send you to Lucifer, wrapped in bacon, and with instructions to feed you to Cerberus!" That definitely shut the two up. They gave MC looks that betrayed their nervousness and paling faces, for they knew that whenever MC made a threat, he would definitely pull through on it. There was a certain incident in Albania with a city of people disappearing overnight after they woke MC up during hibernation (thing I made up where demons hibernate to restore magical energy.) Satisfied by their quieting down, MC gently set the two on the ground. "Good. I'm glad you understand. Now, where's Charlie?" The door reopened behind MC as a perky voice said, "Right here! I made hot chocolate to celebrate the new place. I mean, this is a pretty big deal!" Everyone happily grabbed a mug, and began to sip as they thought about the future. "Uh, honey?" Angel Dust asked after a few moments. MC turned to face him, resting his head on Angel Dust's shoulder in the process, and replied, "Yes, my demon belle?" Angel Dust internally grinned at the nickname, and said, "So, what exactly is your plan? I mean, all you've said is that you want revenge, but you've never said how you want to go about getting revenge, or who you want to get it against." MC chose to not address this question, and decided to reposition himself so that he was sitting on Angel Dust's lap, and cuddled up to his husband.

Suffice it to say, Angel Dust dropped the subject, and decided to cuddle up to MC, using his four arms to give him some of his famous hugs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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