Girl's Night

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Chapter 1

Sookie's POV

I was sitting on my front porch on a Friday summer evening with Jessica while we waited for Tara to come pick us up. There was a new vampire club called Fangtasia in Shiverport that just opened up, and Jess and Tara wanted to check it out and have a girls night for Tara and me. While it was date night for Jessica and Jason, you see, Jason and Jess met in high school. She was a cheerleader, but not a stuck-up one; Tara, Jess, and I were the best of friends, though we weren't cheerleaders; and Jason used to play football along with Hoyt and a few others back in the day.

But once they locked eyes, they were in love, and they dated all the way until graduation. They did break up after graduation, going to different colleges: Jess went to a local college around town, and Jason went to LSU on a football scholarship. About two years later, while having a beer with Hoyt, he saw Jess, and they reunited and began dating again in the summer of that year.

Now, Tara, or Tori, as her cousin Lafayette called her, and I have been friends since kindergarten and haven't stopped yet. How we met: when the kids at school would call me a freak and bully me because I was a telepath and could read people's thoughts, but I never knew why. Well, while they were throwing stones at me, Tara punched the ringleader of the group and scared off the rest of them. She helped me up, and we became friends after that. She was there for me when my uncle tried to rape me and when my parents and grandmother died. So I am forever grateful for my friends Tara and Lafayette.

As Jess and I stared out into the sunset, we were drinking sweet tea. (A/N: I made Jess human for the first part of this story, then changed her into a vampire.) (This is the key reason why I said I'd bring Bill into the story later.) I was in a white sundress and white sandals that had white flowers on the straps, while Jess was in a light yellow sundress with yellow wedges to match. We were reminiscing about school days and talking about our work schedules when I heard a truck turn down the drive way of my farm house that was my grandmother's. I knew it could only be Jason. I headed into the house to whip us all up a light dinner, which I looked around the kitchen for and settled on chicken and broccoli alfredo to make. I heard Jess run off the porch to go meet Jason at his truck.

As I'm cooking our dinner, I hear Jason and Jess laughing, kissing, and talking about their days as they come through my screen door. I'm boiling the pasta and tell Jason to go wash up in the bathroom upstairs. He lets Jessica down and tells me the food smells good, while Jess makes her way to the kitchen to help me with dinner. I heard another car make its way down the driveway, and I knew it was nobody but Tara. You see, it's tradition on the weekends that I cook for our friends; since Gran used to do so for all of my friends, we were like a family. Jess sets up the table with Gran's dishes, and I brought the glasses of sweet tea with Jess's help. Jason comes down the stairs, changed out of his police uniform and into some comfortable clothes, which were plaid red with a black shirt. With a white wifebeater under it, blue jeans, and his tan steel-toe boots.

He took his seat by Jess at the right of the table, and Tara sits to my left. I also made a salad to go with the pasta, and as we pass around the food to one another and talk about work, Tara starts to tell me about Fangtasia. Here is what I was thinking when she told me what she knew about the club while I was talking with her at work about it. I thought it was a theme club, but nope, she tells me it was a straight-up vampire club. We all stare at her, and I hear Jason start his shit about vampires; he doesn't hate them. I think he doesn't understand them, but I don't mind; if they want to live peacefully among us, then I feel no ill will toward them since they came out of their coffins.

Jess, on the other hand, has the same opinion as I do, but she was nearly attacked by vampires the night she snuck out of her parents house. She wanted to go party with friends instead of listening to her parents, and the vampires she ran into tried to rape and kill her. She got away from them and had to call me to come and get her at a diner in town. So she is afraid of them, but not as much as she used to be. Tara starts to tell us that we will be safe there. Her new girlfriend, named Pam, would be watching over us and making sure nothing happened to us. This calmed Jason down, and after the last bits of dinner were eaten and the dishes were done, We all got ready to head over to the club.

(A/N: I hope you all like my first chapter, and here are some things. 1. Jessica lives with Sookie, and we will get into that in a later chapter. 2. Tara and Pam are dating in this story because I always shipped them. In the second chapter, we will meet Eric. (Until then, see you in the next one.)

Word count : 964

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