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renjun is sad.

"Hi, sunshine!"


"How are you? You seem sad."

"I'm fine."

He looked at Renjun's disappearing silhouette and sighed as he heard a door slam shut.

"Hey, sunshine."

He peeked in the door, leading to a dim lit room.


"Jeno told me you were sad.."

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Are you really really sure?"

"Ugh yes.."

"Come down and eat, then."

"I'll pass.."


"How's our sunshine, Na?"

"Depressed as heck, No."

"Wonder what happened..."


"Wanna cuddle with him and make him feel better?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

He heard a knock on the door followed by a muffled voice.

"Let us in, sunshine!" Jaemin said.


His voice drowned out as he started to melt into the hugs of the two giants.

"Wanna talk about it, sunshine?" Jeno said.


He was carried by Jeno to the bed, where they cuddled as Renjun ranted his feelings out to the two, feeling as if a heavy weight has been lifted off of his chest.

sunshine.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang