Affection~Conner x Reader

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I had just gotten up and today is my day of from work as a detective. I went down the stairs to go to my kitchen but my door bell rang. Ugh who could it be at 8pm. I went to open the door when the door is fully open I see Conner standing there.

"Hello detective Y/N I was sent by Hank we need you to sign some papers from the killer case from yesterday you left in such a hurry you didn't get to sign them" said Conner while look at me.

"Hey Conner come on inside it's kinda cold" I said while hugging myself because I was only wearing a over size shirt and black short and I was freezing. Then I closed the door as soon as I closed the door my dog Ace a German Shepherd came running at Conner. Conner looked at Ace and looked back at me like asking me what to do.

I laughed and sat on the ground with Ace "C'mon Conner sit down with us" I said while petting Ace. Conner didn't say anything and sat down with us. I look from Ace to Conner and took Conners hand and placed his hand on Ace's head. I look up at Conner to see him looking at Ace with adoration in his eyes. Conner looked from Ace to me and give me a big smile that I've never seen him give anyone for that matter I never seen Conner smile before.

"I see you really like Ace, he also seems to like you" I said while Conner was staring at me.

"I like dogs" Conner said while looking back at Ace. I smiled and got up from the ground.

"So where are the things I need to sign?" I asked while I look up at him.

"Oh right here are the papers you need to sign" Conner said handing me the papers while he handed it to me our hands touched and I blushed a little and signed the papers and gave it back to him.

"Okay detective Y/N I will go now" Conner said while walking to my front door. I hurry and without thinking I grabbed Conner by his arm and pulled him back, I pulled him with more force that I intended so when he turned around he bumped into me and made me lose balance I closed my eyes waiting for an impact but instead I felt strong hands on each side of my waist. I looked up to only see Conners face inches away from mine, I started to blush bright red and backed away fast.

"I'm so sorry Conner I didn't mean to pull you so hard, I just wanted to tell you that you can call me Y/N not detective Y/N it's to formal and that you can stay here longer if you want so that you don't have to go back to Cyberlife." While looked at everything but Conner.

"Yeah sure Y/N I would like to stay here longer" said Conner while smiling at me. While Conner was playing with Ace I was in the kitchen trying to get my cereal from the top of the wall cabinets but I couldn't reach because Hank was the one who put it up there. Out of nowhere Conner comes behind me and reaches up to get my cereal when he gave it to me he was still standing very close to me so I got nervous and looked to the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world and blushed I look back up at Conner to see him looking or more like staring at me it made me blush even more and I place a strand of my hair that was sticking out behind my ear.

" Y/N why is your temperature rising?" Conner asked me while looking at me with concern.

I laughed nervously "Well Conner when someone embarrassed or like someone they blush" I said quickly while look up at Conner's pretty chocolate brown eyes. Conner looked at me and smiled a big smile.

"So do you like me Y/N?" Conner asked me while stepping closer to me to the point that our body's where touching.

"I...ugmmm...I...umm" I tried to come up with something to say but I couldn't, suddenly I feel a pair of soft lips on mine and i closed my eyes while Conner wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I was the first one to pull away because I needed air to breathe. I look at Conner to see him already looked at me.

" Y/N I...I...I think I like you" said Conner while looked down at me waiting for me to say something. I look at Conner and smiled at him and hugged him.

"I think I like you too Conner" I whisper in his ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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