Rules, and essentially how it works!

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 A little about me?

I joined this website in 2015 or so Wattpad says. I was an avid reader four years ago, commenting liking, finding new books every now and then. 

I initially wrote a couple of stories too, but recently took them down for the purpose of re-writing, editing, altering stories and all that stuff. I haven't started working on them but well,  since law school happened, it's been a downhill. 

Like my bio says, I am sleepy girl with an oddly busy life. 

But, but, but, to bring about some change, I decided to start this reading request book where you are welcome to drop in you books, suggestions you have for me etc. etc. 

About my writing, well time will tell.

Reading Requests:


Its simple, drop in your comments on this chapter,   in the following format:




Summary: (optional)

Any Comment/ Request: (if you have anything you'd like me to know/do etc..) 


You could follow me, since I don't have any books up yet, but I'll leave that upto you!

Further, you could support the writers I have put up in the book ahead as personal recommendations and reviews!

What I will do?

Once I take up your reading request, and inform you of the same by replying to your comment as "Added to List".  

In the next chapter I will create a "TO READ LIST" and subsequently a list on my wall. I will read in the order I take up the requests

I will read upto the first three chapters of your book mandatorily, however, beyond that is purely on my discretion. 

Once I am done reading, your notifications will tell you that, nonetheless, I will drop in a tick to your comment (for my piece of mind and well its easy tabulation. 

Then, I will move it from the "TO READ LIST" to a "BOOKS READ."

If I really like a book I may add them to my other general reading lists on my wall!

Reviews/ Feedback/ShoutOuts!

If there is any book I really liked or would want to give a shout out to essentially, I will put up a review chapter. 

 I will do it solely on my discretion. 

Loads of love, 


Requests and ReviewsWhere stories live. Discover now