Livivng in the Shadows

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Have you ever gone to a party and relize a person you just CANT stand is there? Thats how I felt when a certain friend of mine showed up at the party at my bff"s house. Emily was having a fall party and invited all her really close friends, did i mention one of them i just can stand?! I didnt want this to be cyber bullying, but sometimes you just have to vend out your feelings to someone you can trust. I canged the names so there is NO name calling but here is the story of one person who is always in the shadows. Have you ever had a friend where their goal in life is just to get everyones pitty? Well i dont try to be that kind of person, and dont think thats what im doing now, cuz im not! I have a friend where anytime we are hanging out she ALWAYS brings up one of her ex-boyfriends and blah blah blah!!!! Also she says she has like 10 kinds of diseases and everytime you ask her she has a new disease! Like today she was like my dad abused me and i have a horrible life, well im sorry to here that but you have no need sharing it to the whole world! My dad is not the greatest ever, he is literally a ticking time bomb, he could leave my sister, me, and my mom on the streets at any given moment. But do i go around telling everybody that? No. I am embarassed of my dad and i wouldnt want anyone i knew figuring out! I cant belive sometimes how much drama there is in my grade! im in 8th grade and i dont care wat people think about me, ME IS ME AND ME IS ALL I'LL EVER BE!!!! i mean i have sooooo many great friends that are with me every step of the way, buut sometimes i get pretty annoued.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2012 ⏰

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