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(Command Seals Above)

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 20

Height: 6'5

Titles: The Blood Knight, The Wolf of Camelot, The Strongest Shield of Camelot, The Knight of Death, (Later on)The Knight of Madness

Build: Heavy Set but not to the point of being a bodybuilder, Six Pack

Personality: Gentle Towards Children, Calm, Serious, Quiet, Flirty Towards Girls who Take his Interest, Quick to Attack People Who Has Angered Him

Likes: Battle, His Girls, Children, Reading, Food, Silence, Music, Playing Instruments Whether it is Piano, Violin, or Guitar, Sharpening his Sword, Polishing his Equipment

Dislikes: Cowards, Masters Dishonoring Their Servants, Using Children for Disturbing Purposes, People Interrupting his Reading  

Servant Class: Berserker (can be Lancer, Rider, or Saber)


Strength: EX

Mana: A+

Endurance: EX

Luck: B

Agility: A+

Magic Resistance: B+

Riding: B

Battle Continuation: A

Mana Burst: EX

Charisma: B

Instinct: A++

Madness Enhancement: EX

Looks and Casual Clothes

Looks and Casual Clothes

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H/C- Hair Color

Armor: Mantle of The Black Knight 

Color of the silver is an abyss black, the gold stays on the armor

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Color of the silver is an abyss black, the gold stays on the armor

Noble Phantasm: Azrael, The Mist of Madness(Passive) A++

Hides stats from the masters, as well as, gives off an intimidating aura scaring masters and some servants. The Mist also allows you to grab hold of any object and use it as a noble phantasm. Can dissipate at the will of your master as well as yourself. 


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Sword: Alastor, The Sword of Destruction EX

Calling out the name of the blade releases a beam of energy similar to Final Getsuga Tenshou instead the slash is crimson instead of black.

Calling out the name of the blade releases a beam of energy similar to Final Getsuga Tenshou instead the slash is crimson instead of black

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Sheath: Shiva, The Sheath of Alastor A+

Capable of healing all words in time, similar to Avalon in abilities, able to transfer the sheath into someone else, mainly stays in his body unless he pulls it out through his chest 

Capable of healing all words in time, similar to Avalon in abilities, able to transfer the sheath into someone else, mainly stays in his body unless he pulls it out through his chest 

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Stygian Black with the silver and gold pieces as gold, the crystals are all a crimson color

Shield: Cerberus, The Shield of Camelot EX

is able to block most noble phantasm besides Enuma Elish of Gilgamesh

However other servants will be able to tell who you are right off the bat if used

However other servants will be able to tell who you are right off the bat if used

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The silver of the shield is gold

The Black Knight of CamelotWhere stories live. Discover now