They made it

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"Hi, love." Harry whispered and leaned down to peck Louis' lips.

"Haz?" Louis mumbled with a sleepy voice.

Harry chuckled.
"Yeah, it's me Boo. I've missed you."

Louis opened his eyes to look at his boyfriend. His lips slowly formed a happy smile and he pulled Harry in for a hug.
"What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be back until Monday!"

Harry kicked off his shoes and laid down next to Louis. He smiled at the love of his life and gave him that fond look that he had always given him, right from the start.
"You drop your new album tomorrow. I wanted to be here for you."

Louis lit up in a sunshine smile.
"Yeah? That's so sweet Baby. Thank you love!"

"I also wanted to do this." Harry mumbled and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend.

Louis let out a sigh in contentment. They kissed for a while. When they finally broke loose Harry mumbled
"I hate being away from you. I miss you so much!"

Louis stroked Harry's cheek and whispered
"Soon Baby. Soon."

So much had happened in the ten years they had known each other. So much love but also so much heartbreak. They had been so young when they fell in love. Louis couldn't believe sometimes that Harry had only been this sixteen-year-old boy who had been so sensitive and insecure. Scared of what people thought of him, cried whenever he got hate thrown at him. But look at him now. Louis was so proud of the man he had become. How he embraced his quirky side and expressed himself with clothes, nail polish, and lipstick. He was still the most beautiful human being that Louis had ever met, inside and out.

It hadn't been easy for either of them.
They had been through so much together and sometimes it had broken them apart. They both wished that they could have stayed strong together but it had been overwhelming and it had been so hard to have to hide their love for each other. They had broken up multiple times but they hadn't been able to let each other go.

Louis knew how much he had hurt Harry throughout the years but Harry had hurt him too. There were so many songs written about their love for each other. Louis almost felt bad for Liam, Zayn, and Niall who had to endure singing songs about the two of them all the time when they were in One Direction. Almost.

The first time he had heard Harry's Two Ghosts his heart had chattered. Harry had been so young the first time he broke his heart and he would regret it until the day he died. Even if he was two years older, he had also been way too young to handle the pressure of being in a boyband with a management that wouldn't let them come out. It had been so many years ahead of them, stuck in hiding and Louis didn't think it would be worth it. Everybody told them that their love wouldn't last anyway. They were too young. Well, they had been wrong. Louis had been wrong.

The first break-up hadn't lasted for long anyway. Two years together and then a break-up for a few months. They saw each other every day and they loved each other so they couldn't stay away. The second time he broke up with Harry had been a year later. That didn't last long as well. He actually wrote a song about it for his new album, called Habit. He thought it captured everything he felt and went through.

The third time they broke up was in 2015 and it was Harry who broke up with him this time. It came as a shock but it made him understand how devastating it must have felt when he broke up with Harry. He didn't handle it well.

That time they didn't talk for two years. He missed Harry every day but he realized that he had to set him free and he needed to find himself as well. He had to become the person Harry deserved. Maybe they weren't even supposed to end up together?

But the love never left his heart and finally, he broke down and went to see Harry unannounced. Harry had lit up in one of his beautiful smiles when he opened the door and he had hugged him hard.

Louis had apologized for everything he'd ever done wrong in the past and told Harry how much he loves him. Harry had told him he loves him too and this time they were a bit older. This time there was no One Direction even if they still were bound to a contract. But this time they could make it because they saw the light at the end of the tunnel. They could hide their love for a couple of years more because they knew how to do it. This time they would get out together.

Here they are now. 2019 was almost over. 2020 meant freedom. Their contract ended then and they could finally stop hiding their love. They made it. Everything would be alright. They were stronger than ever before and they were so in love.

"So, I think it's time to 'break up' with Eleanor now." Louis said and made quotation marks in the air.

Harry grinned.
"Yeah? I would love that. I 'broke up' with Camille ages ago."

"Yeah, never liked her." Louis huffed.

"You're so full of shit, you know that huh?" Harry laughed.

"What?" Louis asked.

"You still get jealous even if you know that you literally are the only person I've ever been in love with and I have kept my public "relationships' short. In the meantime, you have fake-dated the same girl for years! I'm the one who should be jealous and insecure." Harry explained.

"You're my one true love baby. There's no need. I'm sorry I'm being a shithead. Come here." Louis opened his arms so he could cuddle his favorite person.

Harry moved in closer and put his head on Louis' chest. Louis wrapped his arms around him.

"So important question, how should we do it? Interviews with James? Twitter announcement? Youtube video to all the Larries out there? I can't believe they have stood by us all this fucking time."

Harry thought about it for a while. Then he lifted his head to smile at his boyfriend.
"You know what? Let's not do any big announcement at first. Our Larries are great detectives."

"What do you have in mind then?" Louis smiled back at his wonderful boyfriend.

Harry sighed and put his head back on Louis' chest. He reached for Louis' hand and entwined their fingers together.

"Let's just do all those things we dreamt about doing. Normal stuff, like grocery shopping together, walking down the street hand in hand. Kiss each other goodbye in the morning outside our front door. You know? Be a couple out in public."

Louis hugged him closer.
"That sounds amazing Haz. Great idea. I can't wait. I think our fans would like that too. Suddenly finding pictures of us together doing everyday stuff."

Harry chuckled.
"We'll break the Internet."


"But then we have to make a statement of some kind. Maybe a tweet. Oh! I know! We both tweet a picture of us together and something sweet and corny like 'I have loved him since I was 16/18. We made it!" Harry looked up at him with a grin.

"Perfect!" Louis beamed at his sappy romantic boyfriend and sealed it with a kiss. He would let him have this.

And that's what they did. At the beginning of the new year, the internet was flooded with pictures of the two of them together outside. In the grocery store, having dinner, drinking coffee, holding hands, hugging, and kissing out in the public. The fans went absolutely insane!
Louis and Harry looked through Tumblr and Twitter home alone in their living room and there were almost only positive feedback and support from their fans. They felt truly blessed. Of course, there were hateful comments as well but the love and kind words on their Twitter accounts overpowered the hurtful ones. The hashtags #HappyLarryComingOutDay #Larrymadeit and #Larrywasrealallalong trended. They dodged every reporter and talkshow that tried to hunt them down to get an exclusive.

After a month they decided that the fans had been waiting long enough and they both posted a picture of them kissing, using the same text that Harry had come up with earlier. They broke Twitter. Then they called James and told him they wanted to tell their story on the Late Late Show. He agreed immediately. He had known about them for years and was a personal friend of theirs. He would do it in the right way.

When they lay in bed later that night Louis asked Harry to marry him. Harry said yes without hesitation. They truly loved each other and they made it! They were happy and free.

The end

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