Chapter 1: Introduction

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Mari's POV:
I walked up and gazed at the large building in front of me.
The Smosh Games Headquarters.
I worked up the courage to walk in, I don't know why I was so nervous, Ian and Anthony were some of my best friends, I shouldn't be nervous to hang out with them and play video games. I guess I was just nervous about meeting the other guys, Matt, or Sohinki, Joshua, or Jovenshire, and David, or Lasercorn, in person for the first time.
I see Ian and Anthony in the elevator and yell, "Hey guys wait up!" I scurry to the elevator and they hold the door as I step in.
"Hey Mari!" Anthony smiles.
"What's up?" Ian says, as they both hug me.
"It's good seeing you guys." I smile while inside a smosh sandwich.
The elevator doors open and the boys lead the way to the office in which we will be shooting the weekly series "Game Bang"
We hear yelling as we walk up to the door. We walk in and see the other three boys playing Halo, that explains it.
"Fuck you!" I think Lasercorn shouts.
All three heads turn to us as they pause the game.
"Hey guys!" he says, getting up to greet them. All the boys do their male greeting where they grab each other's hand and hug with the other arm.
David walks to me, "Hey! I'm David, but these crazy dickheads call me Lasercorn. You're Mari, right?"
He's really funny, and seems nice.
"Yeah," I nod and smile, "nice to meet you Lasercorn." I laugh.
He laughs too, and steps away to talk to Ian, a small part of me wanted to talk more, but whatever.
Then Sohinki and Jovenshire introduce themselves, and I the same, and we start filming.
"GAME BANG!" we all shout.
Ian begins explaining what we are playing and we start.
Of course my team, Team Super Condor, lost. I loved video games, and I was pretty good, but not good enough to beat guys who spend countless hours of their lives playing them. But if doesn't matter, the punishment is just getting teabagged. Oh shit no no no don't think I'm getting balls in my mouth, it's literally getting a teabag swung in my face.
After we finished filming we all let out a sigh of relief.
"Well that was fun." Ian says.
"Yeah, better than I expected." I shared.
"So you weren't expecting it to be fun?" David asks.
My eyes grow wide as I reply "No no no that's not what I mea-"
"So you didn't think you would like us?" he interrupts.
"I never said tha-"
"You didn't think we'd be fun? Well I'll tell you I'm as fun as shooting things in the balls." he pauses and thinks as we wonder what he just said, "Sorry, bad comparison."
"A weird one, too." Jovenshire adds.
We all laugh and just relax in the studio, and talk for a while.
I can tell I'm going to like this job.

Here I Stand (a maricorn fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora