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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Title: Teardrop
Rating: PG
Pairing: Chazz/You
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.

I wrote this back in '07. =O


You crumpled up yet another piece of paper, throwing it to the growing pile that was on your floor. You groaned putting your head on your desk. All you wanted to do was write a simple anonymous love letter… Why couldn’t your handwriting be neat for once? You could barely read your own chicken scratch, how would you expect someone else too?

You sat up straight in your chair again and began drawing little hearts all over a piece of paper on your desk. Why couldn’t your hand writing be like the other girls in your class? You noticed all the other girls had really pretty hand writing… especially Alexis.

Now that you thought of it Alexis seemed to be the opposite of you. She was popular, sure you had your share of friends but not as many as her. She was beautiful, you didn‘t think anyone would be able to compete with her in the looks department. You weren’t ugly, you just didn’t put as much effort into the way you looked. Alexis was an amazing duelist, you weren‘t bad yourself but you were no where near Alexis‘ skill and part of you knew you would never reach that level, no matter how hard you pushed yourself. She was an Obelisk while you were a Ra. It also seemed every boy in the academy was head over heals with the obelisk, the one you were infatuated with was no exception Sometimes you couldn’t help but despise Alexis… You shook your head, clearing them of that thought. Alexis was one of your closest friends and you had no right to dislike her for such selfish reasons. She couldn’t help that she was basically perfect in everyway.

You sighed and looked down at your paper. Growling softly you finally took notice that while you were off in your little world not only had you drawn little hearts all over the paper, you also wrote the name of the boy that you liked… No make that madly in love with. You crumpled the paper into a ball and without looking where it would land, you threw it over your shoulder.

Would you like to know who you were head over heals in love with? Yes? Then I suppose I can tell you. The one and only Chazz Princeton. Yes, Chazz. You loved his little quirks, though, you had to admit it sort of creeped you out when he started to talk to himself, he claimed he was talking to duel spirits or something. You snorted slightly, you really didn’t believe all that rubbish about duel spirits after all it was just a card game. Even though Chazz pretended not to care about anything but dueling and sometimes was a snob, you knew deep down he was a good guy and he did care about the people around him.

You couldn’t help but falling for the former Obelisk. It always brought a smile to your face when you thought of him. Butterflies would dance around in your belly whenever you were near him and the palms of your hands would become all sweaty, classic symptoms of having a crush.  But then your heart would sink when you remembered he loved Alexis… Part of you knew that he would always love her but the other part hoped that he would someday return your feelings.

You leaned back in your chair; stretching your arms above your head, groaning lightly. You glanced at the clock above your door before sitting straight again. You’d have to start walking to the pier now if you didn’t want to be late to meet Chazz. Earlier that day he asked you to meet him there. You got up, not bothering to bring your jacket since it wasn’t that cold, you left the dorms.

You waved to a few students who you knew and smiled at them. You felt your heart flutter as you made your way to the pier. Maybe Chazz finally came to his senses and realized Alexis wasn’t interested in him? A girl could dream, couldn’t she? Though you knew he probably wanted to talk to you because he wanted you to try to set him up with Alexis again. He came to you quite a few times for help after Atticus gave up on the hopeless cause. Chazz knew you and Alexis were close so he thought you’d be able to help him. You did try to help him too, even though you held feelings for him, you just wanted him to be happy. This time you swore if the reason was to get him and Alexis together, you weren’t going to help. When you finally reached your destination, you frowned, he wasn’t there yet. Sighing you sat near the ledge of the pier and let your legs dangle over the side. You placed your hands on the ground on either side of you and leaned forward a little to look at the water.

It seemed like an eternity later before you heard the crunching of the fallen leaves on the ground indicating someone was coming. You finally spoke when the sounds of footsteps stopped, “You’re late.” You leaned back, getting a good view of Chazz, though to your point of view he was currently upside down.

He was clad in his usual black attire and had his arms crossed over his chest. Chazz grunted, “The slacker was being a pain again. He doesn’t seem to understand what personal space is.”

You nodded slightly, you loved Jaden to death but Chazz did have a point. You sat up straight again and looked over at the horizon. The sun was setting and the sky was different shades of purples and pinks. You thought it was pretty romantic. You blushed slightly and mentally shook your head. “So… What did you want to see me about?” You really hoped for your sake it wasn’t about Alexis, you were so emotionally worn down that you were afraid you would snap.

“Well, I have a plan to get Alexis to love me.”

You looked over your shoulder to look at your friend. He had his hands clasped together and a lovey dovey look on his face. “I’m not helping.” You stood up to face him.

Chazz blinked at you. You weren’t going to help him? “Aww, come on Name! This will work. No one can resist the Chazz for long.”

You shook your head.


“Don’t you get it?!” You screamed, “She doesn’t love you! She never will!”

Chazz’s eyes widened at your outburst. What had gotten into you? You were usually so calm, it wasn’t like you just to scream at him like you did. “Name…?”

You shoulders shook as tears rolled down your cheeks. You looked down at the ground, the tears hit the pavement. “Are you that blind?” You continued as your body shook, both from your emotional break down and the now slight chill in the air, “I love you!” You brought one arm up to your face to wipe the tears away but no matter how much you wiped at them they just continued to flow down your face.

Since you were looking at the ground you didn’t notice Chazz had closed the distance between you until arms wrapped around you, pulling you against his warm body. You struggled to escape from his hold but he didn’t let you go. You finally gave up and leaned against his body, seeking warmth.

“I’m sorry,” he breathed into your ear. “I didn’t know. I… ”

You hiccupped as your sobs slowly came to a stop. You looked up at Chazz, waiting for him to continue.

He locked eyes with you, he seemed to be struggling with himself to try to find the right thing to say. “I feel something for you. I just don’t know what it is yet.” He leaned down placing a soft kiss on your lips.

A small smile formed on your face. Him feeling something was always better then nothing. You’d just have to be patient and wait for him to love you back.

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