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In all honesty I should've paid attention, I should've studied every inch of that picture. Every curve of his face, the bright blue color of his eyes, the shape of his facial hair, everything.

Instead I simply nodded at the map and continued on my way, too focused on the idea of saving my friends. If I had listened or simply glanced at his picture, maybe everything would've been different.

 I only knew his name at that point. John Seed; the Baptist, inquisitor, former lawyer, and current asshole.

I had just stepped into John Seed's territory when I heard an explosion where gunshots resonated through the trees surrounding me. I quickly forced myself towards the noise, a gun ready in my hands. There were bullets flying everywhere, I crouched down as I approached the fight where a group of resistance members were in a shootout with some cultist, and they were losing, bad. So, I joined. Slowly I moved behind one, I easily snapped his neck. Then I moved on to the next, then the next, and so on. Once all the cult members were dealt with and the remaining resistance members thanked me  I got a Radio Call, out of no where.

"I hear you're taking the fight to John Seed. There isn't much I can do, but I want to help. Come to the Lincoln Lookout Tower. I left you a clue there... Come and find me."

I had no idea who this person was, or whether I could trust them or not. I just pissed off John Seed, this could've just as easily been some cult trap. Regardless, If it was or not in the moment I couldn't think of anything better to do. 

The way to The Lincoln Lookout Tower wasn't far and I didn't see any hostiles. Once I arrived, I took out my binoculars and scanned the area. Three baddies, not that bad. I carefully crawled up the stairs to the lookout. My plan was to be stealthy...

One cultist idiot decided to walk out of the room just as I turned the corner. "oh shit!" he shouted and pointed his gun at me, his fire drawing the other two out. I took a few shots but manged to kill all three in my panic. Thank god they didn't call more. I stood and entered the tower. It seemed to be clean, a few of those weird bibles were placed around the room. I started to search everywhere, starting with the table tops. Everything seemed to be normal, no clues or anything. That was until I knocked over one of the bibles, a note fell out of it. It had been sticking out of the book, the sticky note note color should've stuck out to me before. It dropped as I leaned towards the radio, my hip pushing off the side. 

Go to the Catamount Mines.

It was the only thing that mentioned a place. It had to be it! It wasn't signed or anything though, weird. It was sooo far away! Despite my inner objections, I started on my journey.  

The damn place was full of cultist! They were on the roof, in the building, and even in the mines below. How the hell was I supposed to find a note in this place anyway?! It was a giant building. Sprayed across the front of the building in big black letter read,


After a few minutes of exhausting gunfire, I finally finished off all of the cultist assholes. Moving to the top part of the building, I found another note.  

The Grain Elevator has a prepper stash but watch out for the bees. 

I looked at my map, following it to The Grain Elevator. Of course it was was right by the Lookout Tower!  It wasn't a big place but after taking down the enemies it took me a while before I figured out how to get in. Watch out for the bees, the note warned. Why bees? Ugh

Not only did I have to watch out for bees, I also had to jump and climb all the way up. This better have been worth it. Once I finally got to the top, I stuffed the money and magazines into my bag. The clue was easier to find this time. It was pinned to the wall beside a poster of Gracie Armstrong. 

Thank me again and turn East 660 meters, give or take. I'll be waiting...

- G

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