The First Meeting

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Here you have a man, the man if you will. You are currently looking at Jay Ko (or as he usually called as, Mr. Ko), the velvet room attendant. He lives a double life, a velvet room attendant and the Gym teacher at a very peculiar school called the Fanplan Academy. It's no secret that he is always exhausted every time his class starts, after all being Igor's assistant is no easy task. And couple that with managing the most chaotic house in the academy and you get the deadliest combo of nightmares. His house almost never listen to anything he says, probably never will.

Tonight, Igor is going to need him in the velvet room. Although it's very much a hassle to even come there, Jay has no other option but to do Igor's bidding, after all he was given a huge leeway for being allowed to have another job. He himself is worried, the Inner Realms is now in dangers once more. That adds to his list of worries now, Daniel being stubborn and not getting enough stress, Mona was in danger, Bellboy accidentally killed someone, Hosuh getting hurt, and Stephen stressed out from the chaos of the school and many more that he can't list. And that's only the teachers, not the whole academy.

The blond man sigh as he enters his housing unit, he's opting to stay alone of course, this way no one will question his disappearance when Igor calls for him. He change into his formal Velvet Room attire and enters into that one door that leads to nowhere in his house. And the moment he steps into the dark abyss, he was greeted by the familiar smell and sight of Velvet Room. His hair color went white with one very noticeable blond streak, what remains of his usual hair color in the real world.

He saw Igor, grinning as he usually does, and Jay can only sigh. Nothing that Igor planned for is going to go well for him, it usually never does so why change now?

"Igor, I hope this time we have a better Wildcard. I don't think I can handle the ones that's like the last few ones." Jay rolls his eyes and taps his feet on the floor. He couldn't handle the suspense as Igor just grins even more at his words.

"Oh, yes Ernest. A better one indeed, more mature, ready than anyone will ever be." The Velvet Room master giggles creepily, which made Jay crinkles his nose in discomfort. It's always weird to remember that he actually has another name, he was so used to being called 'Jay' or 'Mr. Ko' that being called Ernest feels unnatural.

"So anyways, what is our trouble now? Near apocalypse? Big cases?" Ernest raise his eyebrow at Igor, he really couldn't keep an honest smile at the wildcards before. Probably he wouldn't be able to do that with this one as well. But hoping is not that bad.

"Nothing too grand, nothing of lesser in magnitude either. Just right, sits between the borders of life." Igor cackle and stands up. Tidying his clothes and looks at the door, soon a new wildcard will arrive.

"Sure, you and your cryptic shits, Igor. I swear to god, I just want to give them an earnest help. I wasn't asking for much." Ernest shakes his head whilst clicking his tongue, then shifts his pose and tone into a softer and more polite tone. Waiting for the wildcard to arrive.

And the door to the velvet room creaks, the sight of the wildcard that greets Ernest's face is not one he hoped to see.

Red, dark flaming maroon red hair. It's cut so short and is so messy it looks like a man's haircut if not for the softer edges. The naturally tanned skin tone and their warm brown eyes. Their glasses seems to be slipping from the original correct position, and with that he saw the most familiar face ever.

'Oh, hell no. Is that who I think it is?' Ernest gulps down his nervousness as the newly chosen Wildcard look around the room in awe and confusion. And then he went pale, he was hoping it could be anyone else in this world. Red hair and natural skin tan is not that uncommon. But the moment they stopped peeking and steps into the room for real is the moment he felt like years of his life is being cut away. It's the fucking Alyssya Claire themselves, it's his house member- that very orange D-Class like uniform can't lie to anyone.

So Igor has chosen the most chaotic, stupid, ex-convict, seemingly always carefree, the only one that has the guts to call the principal a 'nakey lime man' and the kind-of-scary Cult Leader as their wildcard? This must be a very bad joke, but Ernest never questions Igor's decision. Usually no matter how weird the wildcard is, Igor's choices are always the best one for the situation. For now, he'll-

A-Are they staring at him? Ernest sweats like crazy at this point praying to whatever gods exists that his student won't recognize him.

Yes, they do. The redhead stares at Ernest so intensely, somehow their face looks like a Spongebob face- how can one do that? Humans aren't supposed to be able to do that. Their face is so confused and curious, like seeing him here is not the thing they thought they would meet. But then their face after seeing Igor shifts back into a not-spongebob-face, presenting a revolted expression instead.

"Ew, nose too big. What the hell." Alyssya frowns and their face just morphed into an abomination that spells out only one thing, disgust.

"P-pardon?" His voice squeaks at that comment, it really caught him off guard. And the moment he spoke, the Wildcard stares at him again. That Spongebob face and how it looks like it's going to haunt him for the days to come.

"Nose big. Is he a rip off Gru from Despicable Me?" they pinched their nose and looks away from Igor. This is very new, it's just so chaotic from the very first few seconds. He does expects no less from his House member but good god, does he hope that this goes well.

"Greetings, dear Wildcard. Welcome to the Velvet Room." Igor coughs to get the redhead's attention, which they just shrugged off and sighed at.

"Uh-oh, don't like the sound of that. Not really up to being a shounen anime protagonist, that's Fran's job not me." Ernest internally screams at the references, this is really actually his student. He knows who Fran is, the Ng House member that hangs around the infirmary a lot to help injured students.

"You don't really have room to refuse though." Ernest smiles at Alyssya, which was returned with another one of those Spongebob stare. Damn, he's just trying to do his job, why can't his students be chill?

"Suuuuree... this is totally normal and legal. No forcing whatsoever!" The sarcasm that bleeds from the sentence just hurts.

This... really won't be enjoyable for him.

The rest of the conversation became even worse when Alyssya started saying Banana Fort and Hot Tin. Ernest knew about this, he saw that in the basement. The seemingly never rotting Bananas and the huge tin.

"-...Yes a Fool I am, resident Banana fort citizen and local clown of Ko. Let's a go Mario." Alyssya strikes a confident pose and nods happily, you can see their cursed ego shooting up to the sky.

"W-what?" Ernest chokes at that comment, this moment is usually filled with confusion or just plain serious. But this... student, this abomination of a 12th grader just went- Let's a go Mario?! Okay he can't really deal with this, he'll lose his blond hair streak. After this? He'll just have white hairs from stress.

Soon the Wildcard left, but not before giving him the look of Spongebob distrusting face. They stare at each other for a few moments, his palms cold and sweaty from trying to hold onto his dear sanity while his student is here.

That Face is just going to give him nightmares for years to come, and tomorrow is a Gym class. Are you kidding-? Ernest hates his fate, why must he be Jay Ko as well? Oh wait, he chooses to be like this. Damn him then. He is definitely not looking forward to the next gym session nor will he look forward to another House patrols. He just won't, Jay Ko or Ernest just don't want to deal with this anymore. Nada, nope. Curse his fate.

Ko and Co.: Velvet Room Attendant SufferingsWhere stories live. Discover now