The Darkest Scent

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The living room was filled with people -- overly drunk teens, to be exact.

Standing in the far corner her eyes slipped over each person within close range of her scattering range.

She felt extremely overdressed compared to all the women in the room who wore barely anything but slinky tank tops and ass tight shorts. She had wanted to fit in and lamely excepted the invite to Beau Kaufman's 'out of this world' party. Out of this world, her ass. Everything about this place stunk. From the sweaty bodies, to the drugged up drinks, and even the down and dirty music was crap. 

Her breath was heavier in here, she flew towards the direction of a door and she found herself inside of the somewhat empty kitchen, sensing her presence the couple looked up from there heavy tango of tongues and glared but then thinking better of it they ran off.

Now Avaline sat alone at the island in the kitchen with her capped water bottle in hand and watched keenly so not anyone could take it from her, she had came here with her best friend William and with no surprise he had disappeared as soon as he set foot into the front entrance of the house.

He was really her best friend though, he had stayed with her since she was in fourth grade when a couple of boys that were a year older then herself had been picking on her, Will stepped forward and knocked the tallest of them in the face, they never touched her again. Not even dared to step close to her.

After William had smiled a boyish smile with a few missing teeth and introduced himself, never leaving her side since then, she was glad things were like this. She was content enough. He was the only one who cared for her.

She drew in an audible breath as a large hand clasped over her forearm, she spun around about to beat the living daylight out of her intruder. Standing as tall as an oak tree, or so it felt as she gazed up at him.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," she grumbled and Will smiled taking the seat next to her on the stool, she was shocked he could sit straight as he smelled strongly of booze.

"Glad you were thinking of me," He waggled his eyebrows showing his straight even white teeth and Ava rolled her eyes pretend gagging.

"Dream on, Will." he grinned widened and she knew without a doubt what he was thinking now, she silenced his comeback with one stare.

"Why aren't you dancing and being wild like everyone else?" William chided bumping his shoulder against mine gently, staring deeply into her eyes with way to much intense force she had to blink a few times. Blast those strange hypnotic green-yellow eyes of his.

"'Cause I am not a slut and I do not want to be drunk like everyone else." 

"Do I look drunk?" He inquired raising an eyebrow, she scowled.

"You smell like booze and a whore house," She continued "No way are you sleeping at my house tonight."

It had become quite the ritual, William would sneak into her house at night and crawl into her bedroom and sleep with her in a completely none sexual way, she scrunched up her nose, even if the boy was damn fine she had no interest in having intercourse with him.

"Ava!" Her gaze snapped back to his whining voice, slightly startled.


"Come on!" He pleaded. Oh how she loved it when he begged, he really did not like his home. It was quite obvious.

"Fine," Ava sighed "but you are sleeping on the floor."

Before William could even say anything she stalked back out to the party and shifted through people, bumping into many bodies as she went trying to find the exit as quickly as possible. 


Almost jumping out of her skin she fell into Beau Kaufman who was staring down at her with quite the amusement. Why had he decided to speak to her now, when she had never really even been up close to him before and wanted to leave oh so bad.

"Yes," Was Avaline's curt answer as she watched as he swayed closer to her, her mind was filled with caution.

"Why not stay a while?" He asked skimming his hand over her arm lightly causing goose flesh to appear, she took a few steps back.

"No, thanks, but no." He frowned seeming quite flabbergasted that she had the audacity of even muttering the words no to him. 

"Perhaps another time then." He said then smiled again but this time it was different, not as fake, maybe even a real smile, nodding warily she skidded on her heels and looking around him she found the exit. She found her freedom and raced to it.

Ava could hear the sound of water close by as she took a long whiff of air in, she could practically feel the water in-between her sore feet. Without much thought her body led her towards the waters. She ran for two or three minutes until she found herself in a small clearing with a cliff feet away.

She walked along the deserted stretch of land, the sound of heavy laughter and chatter rang out from the party she had just left. She longed to throw her arms to the sky and scream out all her concern, pain, and fears. 

Now she remembered her plans for the day that she had made early, sitting on her futon/couch and curling up reading a novel. Everything for the day had been ruined now just because she had felt a whim of wanting to be different. How simply unjust she had been.

Reaching down Ava gripped a small pebble into her hand and stared out at the waters, she then glanced from the rock to the lake until she skidded it across with simple ease.

Watching it sink as she sat down on the edge looking down at the swishing liquid below, it soothed her mind and she felt relaxed.

The crack of a twig snapping sounded and she bolted upright slipping on the side with her back leaning downwards toward the water, her eyes automatically closed waiting for the chilling freeze but she was grabbed up and flung to the hard ground with a tump.

"Ouch." She complained rubbing at her head, opening her eyes she saw a rather scary looking figure before her, dressed in all black, and face hidden she had no clue who this man or women was.

"It is time to wake up, Avaline." The voice was most definitely male but the thought barely crossed her mind as she felt a heavy sensations cascade down upon her and she screamed repeatedly in pain and confusion, but then she felt nothing at all. It all went blank.


I need to start staying on one book. But it is OH SO HARD. :/

Oh well, Bree here.




The girl in the side is Ava. (: 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2010 ⏰

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