Part 1

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 “I’m so nervous! Oh my god. Are you sure we should do this? I haven’t even put the third turkey in! They’ll be here any minute, I’m not ready,” Taylor rambles in a worried voice as she paces back and forth in her colossal Rhode Island bedroom. The room itself is an innocent child, bathing in a delicate cream. Fairy lights dance spritely in the background, casting long shadows across a vacant wall. Karlie says something in a feeble attempt to reassure her, but it passes right through the shorter girl’s wave of consciousness. It’s almost like she is in a dream, no – a nightmare. A sweat starts to break on her forehead as if the million thoughts speeding through her mind are just oozing out one by one, but they all melt to putty when she feels her girlfriend’s long arms twist around her waist, pulling her in from behind. Time distorts itself as she leans back comfortably into the model.

“You are ready. I wouldn’t push you to do this if you weren’t. I know you Taylor Alison and I know this is something you are capable of,” Karlie coaxed as she scrawled elegant poetry down the sullen blonde’s neck with her pink sherbet lips. Taylor smiled at the common fact that Karlie really does know her better than she knows herself. The taller girl intertwines their hands, guiding them down her lover’s body to rest on her hip, electrifying the Grammy winner with fervent energy as a nimble thumb swipes bare skin and restless fingertips drum along the cutouts of her dress, dangerously close to slipping under the fabric that accents her slim waist. Karlie yearns to go farther, to admit Taylor to a bountiful cascade of pleasure, alas the clock strikes seven and their house guests are awaiting the grand arrival of the two amorous friends.

Taylor is the first downstairs, mingling amongst friends and colleagues as she darts through the crowd with effortless grace on her way to the kitchen. Large parties can cause her anxiety, yet ironically cooking for large amounts of people soothes it, just another realm of her motherly nature she would suppose. As the perky blonde chef sets to work, another pair of hands wrap around her own, helping to chop vegetables. These hands were noticeably masculine, with a little black cross accommodating the forefinger. She rotates her head back just enough to catch jade green emeralds staring back at her in mock seduction. “Harry,” Taylor chided playfully, “I’m holding a knife in my hand and you’re invading my personal space. Do you really want to see how this one ends?” A laugh escapes the boy as he unhands his close friend, then continues wandering throughout the over occupied home. In the brief moment before he escapes her sight she remembers something and calls after him in a singsong voice, “By the way, Louis is looking for you”. A slight shake of the head and a knowing grin, then he was gone.

Karlie occupies the armrest of a Victorian era chair; the bulk of it claimed by her fellow Victoria’s Secret model Cara Delevingne, and the gorgeous actress sitting in her lap. Selena laughs outrageously at something the badass beauty whispered in her ear and stows away a cigarette in her handbag. “Where’s your boy toy tonight?” Karlie inquired, raising her eyebrows at the flirtatious duo.

The brown eyed girl waved her off saying “Long gone. I actually don’t think there will be any boy toys for a while,” she smirks at Cara. It’s almost funny to Karlie the way these two are so reckless with their “secret” relationship, until it crosses her mind that she may be that obvious around Taylor too. Granted, these two are already a good bit intoxicated, a trait Cara almost always seems to possess at parties, along with the illegal substances she never fails to make a quick buck off of.

Taylor thanks her staff for finishing up the cooking then shimmies across the dance floor to greet everyone. A cozy feeling warms her heart as her favorite ginger teddy bear envelops her in a hug, followed by his Greek goddess of a girlfriend. “Hey buddy! I haven’t seen you in a while. I’m so glad you guys could make it!” she exclaims. Ed’s actually wearing slacks and a blazer, courtesy of Athina no doubt. They strike up a pleasant yet somewhat strained conversation on the topic until the couple begins to argue over something frivolous, a common endeavor for them. Four blue eyes meet knowingly and Taylor excuses herself. Things have been rocky with them lately as the British singer/songwriter’s career has begun to take off and he is consistently enclosed in meetings and studio sessions, something a foods manager wouldn’t understand. Sometimes she almost seems jealous of Taylor because of her limited knowledge of who Ed really is. He’s not one to reveal himself completely unless he is 100% comfortable, something he can really only be when around the excitable songstress.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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