On the cliffside

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The water shone gently , light glinting off every surface and illuminating underneath the massive cliff. Sitting at the top of this cliff was a house owned by a Musician who's inspiration had run dry, and his brother. The house overlooked the sea, and the cliff was constantly crowded with gulls, whos noises overlapped each others on some days, making it seem like no sound existed but that of the gulls.

If one where to travel down this cliff, they would see a two homes at the bottom of the hill which lead to the cliff, one closer, and the other very far away, a distant blip in the scenery, yet still easy to walk to from the house on the cliff side. In the one farthest away, a writer lived with her girlfriend, and the two where happy together with the writer recently publishing a best-seller.

The other house had been left unoccupied for ages, what with the last owner being a very old woman who had died in her sleep. Having no will, the house was sold to pay for her funeral, but the company who had bought it had not sold it, so the lot at the bottom of the hill was vacant, and lacking in life. This would change very soon.

If one where to stand at the very edge of the cliff, they might find themselves looking strait down the forty-feet drop to at least fifteen feet of water. No jagged rocks obscured the waves, only soft sand at the bottom, which became visible to the right of the cliff as a beach formed. About twenty steps into the water from the beach to the right and there was a drop off to the same fifteen feet found beneath the cliff.

This was the beach, the cliff side and the landscape Dirk Strider called his home. his feet dangled over the edge of the cliff, staring out at the waves, shades balancing on the bridge of his nose as he stared into the rising sun. Two days ago he had sent out an online add for a piano player. Dirk needed someone who knew how to play the piano and play it well, who could translate his thoughts to music and someone who was good at it. The internet was where he was the most popular, so he questioned just how many people might show up.

He stood up, turning and walking back to the house he owned, walking up the stairs and into the main sitting room. Dave was still asleep on the couch from the night before, a semi-peaceful look on his face. Dirk turned his head to the clock, seeing it was still early.

His feet planted themselves on the ground for a long moment, and without much thought, he turned and went back outside, facing the water. He had about two hours till people would start showing up. He lined his toes up with the edge of the cliff, slipping off his shades and placing them on the cliff beside his feet, looking up at the fire colored sunrise somehow perfectly matching the color fo the eyes he so constantly hid.

Lungs expanded wide to hold enough air to last him, and feet launched him from the spot into the water below, wind rushing past him and slicking his blonde hair even further back, his eyes closed as the water consumed him, dirk plummeting into the half-lit water and lingering for a moment, letting the feeling consume him. There was no noise here, no chattering of seagulls or the shitty attempt of his brothers rapping.

The ocean was near infinite compared to him.

Dirk was currently floating in something that made him proportionally like a grain of sand on a beach. Just a little blip in existence, yet somehow, less of a blip then on land.

when just focusing on water, the world was much smaller, still huge, but not as huge.

Earth made him even more of a grain of sand, hell in comparison to earth he was half a grain of sand, and in comparison to the entire vast infinite universe, he was hardly even a molecule within that grain of sand. he was near nothing.

But in this particular place, all that existed was dirk and the water. Like the whole universe was nothing but ocean, making everything that existed in it seem so much more important. Things like that made sense to dirk, in some fucked up philosophical way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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