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Ladybug noticed that ChatNoir was acting strange he was nervous and and he was also stuttering like when she talks to Adrien. J -  Jetaime My lady he says with a coat of read blush on his face. Oh Chat i like some one else and I  don't  love you so stop please I  lov....   before she could finish he jumped away.  Chatnoir jumped from building to but he didn't here the flapping of and akuma. he then heard  a deep voice in his head he relised it was Hawk Moth. Hello ChatNoir you have been rejected by ladybug so many times if you team up with me and get her miraculous and give me yours you will get your girl now go and do as i say.  Chatblanc smirked and said you have a purrfect deal Hawkmoth I will except.  

 When Marienette got home she detransformed she felt bad about what she said to her kitty. oh Tiki look what I have done I like adrien but I thought I would be doing wrong by him she said Mari do what you think is right you may not love chatnoir, but the least you can do is help him. Marienette then heard a scraching noise from her balcony. Princess will you let me in your tower for just a moment. Marienette went to the window and opened it she then saw that Chatblanc chat why are you white she said with fear in her voice. Cant you see Mari im not ChatNoir anymore im ChatBlanc all I have to do is get those earrings from ladybug and wait are you my lady princess say spots on he said with low voice. she said spots on and tured into ladybug she then got up and said kitty this is not you, you are stronger than this. im stronger than i have ever been he said. Marinette kissed him as a distraction to get the akuma from the bell on his suit the akuma flew out and his suit turned back to black but because he was about to transform back when he got akumatized he transformed back into Adrien Agreste . A-Adrien Marienette stuttered your Chatnoir, oh Adrien im so sorry I rejected you and got you akumatized this is all my falt she started crying. Adrien said Mari its OK you didn't know it was me and  I Didn't know that you where my lady and im happy it was you he then kissed her on the lips.

The next day Marienette and Adrien walked into class holding hand but a brat named chloe came running with an angry expression on my face. you take my Adrikins away from me and Adrien why would you want to be with  that bread brat the blond headed girl said. Adrien said she is much nicer than you and she is not a brat. Nino was surprised because he thought adrien like Ladybug only he never thought his bro like Marientte, Alya on the other hand was fangirling because her ship came true for a fact. When Marienette and Adrien graduated highschool they went to collage together and they decided to study buisness so he can learn how to run the Agreste fashion industry and Marienette could learn how to run her own fashion line and help Adrien run his fathers business. After dateing for 8 years he finally proposed under the effle  tower and they got married a year after he proposed in a nice church and had their reception in  a grand ballroom in which adrien rented. Alya cried through most of the wedding because her friend who she had been friends with for a long time finally found the love of her life. after they had emma she had green eyes and blond hair like her father.  They lived happly ever after and Adrien finally had the family he has allways wanted .  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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