The Moonfish

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Thomas glugged happily as he swam playfully in his bowl.

Thomas was a beautiful little Goldfish. His owner, Sarah, had won him as a prize in an amusement park game over a year ago.

Since then, Thomas had grown big and loved to swim in and out of his little plastic castle. He especially loved it when Sarah came home every day from school and told him about what she did that day.

But one day Sarah had to leave. She was going to a Summer camp and poor Thomas was left all on his own.

He was fine at first, Sarah's parents came by once a day to feed him and they always brought the phone with them so that he could hear Sarah's voice from the camp. But eventually, Thomas began to grow lonely.

One night, feeling very sorry for himself, Thomas glanced up out of Sara's bedroom window and into the night sky.

'I wish there was someone here to keep me company.' He thought to himself sadly as he went to bed in his castle.

Unknown to him, someone had heard him and decided to answer. A Moonfish. One of the rarest and most endangered creatures in the entire Universe.

Her name was Olivia. She'd heard Thomas' wish while swimming amongst the stars in the cosmos and decided to come down to Earth to keep him company.

Imagine Thomas' surprise when he woke up the next morning to find a beautiful fish with emerald green eyes and glowing moonlit scales happily swimming around in his tank.

At first, Thomas was extremely shy, having never befriended another fish before, much less one as this. But then Olivia swam right up to him and introduced herself.

Pretty soon Thomas and Olivia were best friends. They happily swam all day long and played Fish Games. 

At night, Olivia would tell Thomas stories of her life among the stars. She talked about many things. How her species had long been hunted almost to the point of extinction for their beautiful scales which could camouflage themselves to match the inky void. And of how Moonfish was capable of great magic with some even being able to see into the future.

She spoke of Oru, the great Nova-Squid that resided deep in the center of the Earth's Sun that only came out once every five thousand years to feed.

But over time Olivia's scales slowly began to dim. Moonfish aren't supposed to spend so much time on Earth. Eventually, they would simply turn into a normal fish.

On the day before Sarah returned from the camp, Olivia left and returned to the stars. But before she did, she removed one of her scales and enchanted it to always glow in the moonlight.

Thomas was sad that Olivia had left. But he was happy that she had left him something to remember her by.

Sarah did wonder why her fish's tank always seemed to glow every night but eventually decided that not to question it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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