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Aurelia sat up on the couch, her eyes adjusting to the dark as she looked around. She noticed all of her friends asleep either on the couch, or on the floor.

She slowly walked out of the living room, careful not to step on Tyler or Matt. She let out a breath, before her eyes landed on Stefan, who was asleep on a chair.

She sighed, adjusting the blanket on him before going up to the roof.


Elena stood up, rubbing her eyes in slight annoyance due to the sun's ray coming into the house through the windows. She glanced at each and every one of her friends; Tyler was asleep on the floor, and so was Matt, who was using the couch as a back rest. Caroline was asleep next to her, and Stefan was on a chair near the couch.

She could hear Damon in the kitchen, along with scribbling, and she pieced together that he was writing the eulogy.

She frowned, however, noticing no second blonde. "Aurelia?"

Stefan began to stir awake, and so did Caroline. "What's going on?" Caroline groggily asked, pushing off her blanket.

"Where's Aurelia?" The brunette asked, as Stefan stood up. "Did she go anywhere?"

"I don't know." Caroline answered, before looking around. "Aurelia?!"

The others were waking up, but Elena worriedly looked for Aurelia, afraid that the hybrid would do something she'd regret. "Okay, I'm going to check outside, and you guys look upstairs." Caroline nodded, before Elena jogged out of the house.

She opened the door and walked out to the drive way, before looking for the blonde. "Aurelia?"

She frowned when she heard no answer. She walked back inside, and went to close the door, when something kept it open. She sighed, before Aurelia appeared inside the house, making her jump.

"Aurelia!" Stefan and Caroline sped to the hall, before letting out sighs of relief at the sight of her.

"What?" Aurelia asked.

"Where were you? And why are you up so early? And dressed?" Elena asked, looking at her outfit; jeans, boots, and a dark top- for the first time in months. Aurelia pressed her lips together.

"I was on the roof." She answered, holding up a notepad. "I have plans for today, and I want everyone listening to me." She said, before walking past Stefan to the living room, and to a half-asleep Tyler and Matt.

She rolled her eyes.

"Hello?!" She exclaimed, making the two jump awake. "I want everyone to listen to me, because I plan to have a lot of things done by the end of today."


"You've all continuously asked Caroline and I what you can do to help." Aurelia said, tapping her notepad with a pen. "So, I've found ways." She added. "Caroline?"

"Aurelia's put together a list of five days' worth of work and projects." Caroline said. "She thinks I just project it better."

"So, what do you wanna do?" Elena asked. Aurelia looked at her.

"Have my mother celebrated and buried by today." She answered. "I wanna break rules and get everything done starting now."

"Sure, 'Lia." Matt said. "Whatever you two need." Aurelia smiled, before looking at her notes.

"Elena, Caroline, you two are coming with me." She said. "We are going to find ourselves a casket. Also, Caroline you need to help me look over the guests."

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