No you can't!

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Chapter one

No we can...

Three simple words, but they can be taken in, in many different ways, and can be very hard to accept and achieve. But here, I tell the story of someone who knew exactly what to do to make people see that we can do whatever we put our minds to, as long as we believe in ourselves...

Sam's POV

Today is the day, I am finally going into my last year of secondary school, and I am finally going to sign up for the lacrosse tryouts. What's the worst that could happen? I need to show my parents that girls CAN play lacrosse. After I step off the school bus, I walk up to my best friend, Layla, and then walk into school.

Once form had ended, the first two lesson flew by, it was now break and we were in the canteen. "So Sam, are you speaking to Mr Foster at lunch?" Layla asked once she'd finished her food. "Huh? Oh yeah, are you coming with to sign up too?" I replied.

"Of course, we're both in this". Out of the corner of my eye I saw my other best friend, Hunter, "Hey you", he greeted, putting his arm around my shoulders. "Hi", I replied with a mouth full. I saw Layla giving me a look, so I sent her a confused glance. "I don't get why you two don't get together," she said, and I mentally face palmed. "We're like brother and sister," me and Hunter replied at the same time, which caused us to laugh. Layla just shook her head with a smile on her face.

The bell rang which signalled that it was time for third lesson. "See ya outside history Sam". Third lesson always dragged because it was right before lunch and everyone was hungry. When the lesson was over I met up with Layla and we walked towards the gym, talking about how we both got into liking lacrosse. Once we got to the gym we changed into our lacrosse kit (from the club we go to once a week) and headed out to the field. We collected our lacrosse sticks and a ball and met up with the coach, and we were strangely the first ones there. "Ah hello bo-girls," coach said slightly confused. "Hello coach, where is everyone?"

"They're still getting ready...wh...what are you doing here?" He asked. Me and Layla looked at each other funny, "we're here to tryout for the team sir..." Layla replied. He stood silently for a moment and then laughed, however when he saw our faces he stopped. "'re serious?"

"That's kinda why we're in our kit sir", I said.

"Right. Of course. Well sorry to disappoint you girls but...well you see we've never had girls on the team. It's more of a boys sport, they tend to be better."

"So what you're saying is that because we're girls...we can't play lacrosse, you know that's stereotypical right? We can play, give us a chance at least", I couldn't believe him.

"One chance," he hesitated. Me and Layla high-fived. I heard chatting behind us and saw Hunter and a load of guys from last years team. "What are you two doing here?" Hunter asked as he reached us. I just shrugged and replied, "skydiving". He just gave me a weird look. "We're here for tryouts you dumbo, why else?" And like coach, he just laughed, so I walked off and started warming up. "Right guys-and girls- huddle up, we need to sort of positions." Coach shouted. "Right, first we'll have both the girls in each goal and boys spread out, and we'll rotate every 5 minutes, and if we don't finish during lunch, we'll have to carry on after school, that okay?" There was a series of yes's and yup's. "Great, positions people," and we all got ready.

In the first five minutes I managed to block all the goals that were attempted, in total there were 6, which for five minutes was good. Then in the next 5 minutes I scored 4 and blocked 3. Layla scored 3 and blocked 3. By the end of lunch we had managed to get everyone in a different position on the field so we didn't have to stay back after school. "Okay, before you all go, I'd like to say a huge well done to you all, you all surprised me with your skills today. Also, the team list will be up outside the gym first thing tomorrow morning," Coach finished. "Right, off you go".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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