Chapter 1

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the wolf snarled and walked towards a person. it growled and jumped on him and ripped his arms off and then it tore him to bits. then it left the body there and walked off. It said "stupid human" It went down the drain like slime. The black wolf covered a person in slime and ate her whole. The wolf laughed and continued eating and killing people. Monica said "umm did you know that half of the city is covered in black slime and blood. Rachel replied "yea I noticed that" She got up and walked outside. Rachel said "man these people been though a horrible death" She saw the wolf and ran inside. It climbed up her house and It went in her drains. Monica's brother Twinkie went to the bathroom and the wolf covered him in black slime and crashed his body and took him down the drain. Nobody knew he was gone. but blood was all over the toilet. Monica saw the bathroom and she screamed. she grabbed her friends and ran to the car and her and her friends drove off and went a house in the middle of nowhere. The wolf fell asleep and everyone in the house sneaked out and they ran to a car and drove off. The city was covered in blood and black slime. meanwhile, Monica said "My brother got killed by that wolf creature." Rachel replied "I know. this wolf is crazy as fucking hell" phoebe yelled "WE NEED TO KILL THIS FUCKING DAMN WOLF!!" Monica saw her friends look at her and she replied "yea if it can die, it is made out of slime" Phoebe replied "that is true" Rachel grinned at Monica who was staring out the window. She sighed sadly and Rachel hugged her. she smiled and said "don't worry, maybe your other family escaped." Monica giggled and she looked up at her. Rachel was 6'7 and Monica was 4'9 and phoebe is 5'7. Rachel and Monica saw Phoebe standing there in the dark. Monica ran to her and hugged her tightly. Rachel said "we better be careful with this wolf. it can cover your body whole and eat you whole but spit out your bones" Monica replied" tell me about this wolf" Rachel replied "this wolf was created by very smart people. A mixture of a wolf and black slime. it was meant to be good but it has feeling like humans. It felt betrayed and this killer taught to kill people and eat people whole. this wolf is called the black wolf killer" she saw crunch noises. she ran outside and the wolf was eating a human. Rachel threw a TNT bomb at it. it blew up and the pieces went to back the wolf. Rachel shouted "THIS FUCKING WOLF WONT DIE" She threw bombs and threw TNT at it. Rachel growled and she threw a torch at it and it burned the wolf. wolf screeched in pain. the wolf couldn't heal itself. Rachel had plan. she said "I know a plan" she went her friends and told the plan. they all smiled

THE BLACK WOLF KILLERWhere stories live. Discover now