the bingeing

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   It was Friday and Alexander (he is your boyfriend before you meat slender man) came over to the table i was at "hay (y/n) do u want to come to the cabin with me it is only going to be me"  i look at him and said "ya i would love to go with you i think it would be fun. Is any of your friends going to be there"? He answer with a sexy voice "no it is going to be just the two of us" i blushed a little. After school i went home and told my mom that i was going to be at a friend's house abd be back in a few days since today was the last day of school and we are on summer break. We got to the cabin and i look out the window and sow the woods i ask "what is the name of the wood in the back" he reply "those are the Greenwood-" he was cut off because we heard a scream and i ran to the back door and he stop me from going out said "are you insane you cant go out there" he said in a angry voice he now that i got out of the sane Asylum a month a go, i reply with "NO I AM NOT, there is a person out there that need our help you can help or stay" he said in a some what shaking voice "i ges i will come" we ran out the house and into the woods and we was a little girl that looked like she was 8 was pend to the forest floor i ran and pushed the guy off of her and Alexander ran and grabbed the guy and pot his hands be hind his back i looked at the guy and he started to Shake and so did by bf then i sow what looked like tentacles grab the random guy and rip him in half. I woke up in a random bed right nex to my bf and he woke up to we looked at each other the someone came in side the room the person said "hi my name is masky why don't you two come with me please" we both nodded and then got up we walked down some stairs and then we walked in to a living room it looked nice, some one walked into the room and my bf let out a scream he said "w-w-what h-h-happen t-to your f-face" the man said "i was on fire when i was about 14 and i cut a smile into my face and my name is jeff" he looked like he wanted to stab Alexander to death, of course Alexander hid behind me then a tall and no face man walked into the room Alexander got scared and whispered in  my ear "we have to go" the tall man said "there is no going for you two u guys are stuck here" a girl that was covering her eyes came in Alexander walked over to her and stared to flert with her i got mad but of course i said nothing she slapped him. Couple of hours past and i just watched as he flerted with every girl he saw and i just got mad and more mad and then i just started to laugh i could not stop he looked at me and asked "are you ok you have not been talking and-" i cut him off and said "good buy" he looked confused and i took out the small kitchen knife out of my pocket and stabbed him in the neck and smiled while watching as all of his blood came out of his wound that i created.

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