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"Oh my God." Elena said, looking around the dorm room. "It's like she was never here." Aurelia sighed, observing the missing sheets and completely cleaned up side of the room- Caroline's side.

"Our place is totally empty, too." She said.

"Yup, it is. I see no signs of pictures or anything." Stefan said through the phone, making the blonde raise her eyebrows.

"You're in my house?" She asked.

"Um, yeah. I thought he could go check it out." Elena said.

"So, you don't think that I looked around my place before I drove you here." Aurelia assumed, folding her arms.

"Look, I just wanted to—"

"You just wanted to what?" She asked. "I told you both: Caroline took everything except the damn doors off their hinges." She scoffed, looking at her side of the room. When she felt Elena's eyes on her, she sighed softly. "Look, I'm sorry. I just should've been there for her. I couldn't even convince my sister to keep it on, I have the most experience with the humanity switch, so forgive me if I'm acting like a bitch. I do it because I'm pissed at myself." Elena smiled, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"She took everything." She said. "She turned it off, came to the dorm, took all her clothes and her thank you notes and just left town? That makes no sense."

"This is coming from the girl that burned her house down." Stefan said.

"She's trying to cut off all her ties to the past, isn't she?" Elena asked.

"She's definitely not having a yard sale, Elena." Aurelia said. "Come on, let's just look around campus. Maybe someone's seen her."

"Yeah, and Stefan, if anything comes up, you call us." Elena said, before hanging up. The two friends stood there in silence, before Aurelia turned at the sound of the door opening.

Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight on none other than Bonnie Bennett standing there with a smile. "Bonnie?!" She said in disbelief, before running to the witch to wrap her in a hug. "How are you even...?"

"Alive?" Bonnie guessed as Elena ran towards her, too, joining into the hug. "You'd think that I'd be used to this part by now..."

"Oh, at least you're here now." Aurelia said. "I'm so sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for, Aurelia." She said, pulling away. "It's all good. I have my best friends back."


"My not-flannel blouse, my not-flannel T-shirts, and oh!" Bonnie exclaimed, pulling a top from her drawer. "I really missed my not-flannel V-neck!"

"Suck it, 1994." Aurelia said, popping open a bottle of champagne as Elena took two glasses. "Oh, this is good stuff." She observed.

"So, I bought that bottle of champagne the same day Damon and I thought we were gonna rescue you, but we obviously didn't, so I couldn't drink it." Elena said as Aurelia filled the glasses. "So, this is to you, Bonnie." She handed a glass, and the three girls held up the glasses and bottle. "You were stuck there all by yourself while we were living our lives—"

"And you survived almost a year in that horrific prison world, so that officially makes you one of the bravest people I've ever known." Aurelia completed.

"Thank you for preventing me from giving the world toast ever." Elena said. Aurelia smiled.

"And now, I'm back home." Bonnie said. "Hey, we met your crazy descendant there." Aurelia nodded.

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