Chapter 1. Taken

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I was rushing home after a late night at my friends place, drifting and swerving just to get home faster, yes, I was speeding, and you know what happens when you speed? Thats right! You get a ticket. I pushed my clubsport into 5th and sped down the main road. Fuck, my mother is going to loose her shit at me bug time. I let my Clubby roar up the main road toward home, I didnt give two shits at that time to worry about waking everyone with my cars loud ass motor. Well, It was 12:30am.. nah, stuff em I thought.

Cutting the corner to my street, I crept up the street, leting the base of my boot hold down on the petal just enough to keep her rolling. I will most likely get a slap in the face if she greets me at the door, or a hot gush of water poured onto me at 6am. Whatever mood she's in now, is not going to be good for my once I step though that door. I swiftly turned a few small streets and corners to eventually get toward my home street.

I rolled her into the driveway and turned her off, patting the wheel as I step out onto the graveled driveway. Hitching my bag off of the back of my chair I close my door and sigh a cold shiver as I walk upto my home. My old, warehouse looking home. I glance up at the windows, the lights are off. All of them. Rather strange, Wonder if my mother just passed out with the telly on... I step onto the porch and rest my head onto the door as I ruffle though my messy bag to find my spare key, since I had lost my main due to a stolen bag, yip yah...

I find it and slowly unlock the door- Crash! Comes from upstairs in the house and I automatically duck down, shielding my head from any possible objects falling from above. My legs begin to wobble and my heart starts to race. Oh god, what if my mums hurt? What if she is being hurt, raped, tortured?!- A scream cuts me light a knife from my thoughts, I push open the door and stumble inside, finding the house completely turned upside down. I heard harsh rushing foorsteps coming from upstairs, Right aboce me. I grabbed the closest thing I could use as a weapon- a walking stick my pops left here when he was last over.

I slowly made my way to the staircase, not daring to make any noise that will hint to the invader that Im here... taking quick steps up the stairs as a girl onto the walking stick, which is raised over my shoulder ready to strike, I turn the corner once Im at the top and takes a quick scan of the hall, Nothing. Suddenly a hand grasps over my mouth and a strong arm hooks me around the stomach, pulling me backwards. I attempt to scream but he attacker squeezes my mouth roughly, forcing me to whimper and quiet down. I try and wrestle out of his strong hold, doing everything I could think of to make them let go. The lift me up with their arm around my stomach still, and pulling me out off the house into the front yard.

A long whistle is sounded and my restless attacker sighs down my neck as they put me down and shove me into the back of a van, I hit the backseat and throbbing kicks my head. The door slams and a harsh hit on the side of the van forces it to jolt and push foward. I hold the back of the seat and begin to sweat, my breatjing picks up and my eyes are widened, trying to adjust to the darkness. My rapid blinking help a bit.

"She'll be right Maxie." One low voice growled, hitting the dash with the base of his hand. he sounded pissed off.

"I-I know major, Its just what if this doesnt go to plan?" Another said, her voice sounded shakey and uneasy. Im guessing she wasnt ready for this either.

"It will work! It will because its my plan!" The other snapped toward her. I jumped at his reaction. I dont like how this is going, I would rather have my mother slap me stupid with a belt then whatever Im about to come upon.

4 hours later.

I was being shaken, roughly by the shoulders. My eyes instantly shot open to view at a man in black roaring orders at me to wake up.

"Wake up already woman. What are you, a fucking rock?" The man growled at me as he stood and ran his hand through his dark chocolate coloured locks or hair. I come to pull my arm up wit wipe my eyes, but my hands are tied to the legs of the chair I was sitting on. Along with my ankles. "Good luck sweetcheeks." He huffed at me with a smirk on his face, as he took a few steps toward a table and fiddled through some papers.

"Where am I-I? I didnt do a-anything! Let me go you maniac!" My voice rose with each word, ending with a scream, a scream that could tell everyone that I was shit scared and that I was not confident.

In a flash he was in front of me, gripping my chin, making me stare directly at him. His eyes shone with emerged green flakes and a golden rim lining the outta of his pupils. "How dare you raise your voice at me young las. Your god damn lucky I haven't riped your throat out yet" He spat as he pushed my face to the side, making my undone hair wipe me in the eye. "Oh, where are my manners, I-"

"Obviously gone ass munch." I snapped back, trying to shield my tearer from him. I dont think it worked well because he jusy stared down at me, his face still held that smirk he had from a few minutes ago.

"Pardon you? Did you talk back to me?" He had me against a wall, out of the chair, out of the ropes that held me- how? What? What was this? I was locked in between his large muscled torso and the cool brick wall. A light was lowly shinning from behind him, making me see everything. His perfect jawline, To his every muscle above his waistline. He has jeans that hung lowl on his hips, no shirt, the most pale skin I have ever come apon, just a modle from a magazine I thought. I felt a lightly warm blush cross my cheeks, and I frowned at myself. What the fuck are you doing Nora?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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