Chapter 1

18 1 16

This is the story of Melody Randle. A senior in high school looking to earn extra money for those heavily sought after senior activities. For the graduates this year. It was a trip to wonderful world of Disney. She'd never been. Her family wasn't as affluent as her best friend so they had to sell the family yacht in order to make tuition for Melody's private school...

But this is written text and sarcasm is hard to pick up in this form...

Her family is what we would used to call middle class. They make enough to keep the lights on and every so often order pizza. When there isn't enough to go grocery shopping.

But there's never a shortage of love, support, affection, all the things you'd want in a happy family home. So, let's meet the family.

Starting with Melody. She's seventeen, turning eighteen in a month and a half. As much as she loves a protective style, she'd much rather wear her hair out...

If she isn't babysitting that is...

Kids have a harder time grasping the "don't touch" rule when it comes to hair. But I digress.

Much like every teenager of every generation, Melody spends an exorbitant amount of time in her room. The place she can be herself. And how could she possibly be herself without constant, instant, electronic communication.

"You're lucky!" She says flopping down on a half made bed in her school uniform. She kicks her shoes off and resumes her face time.

"How the hell am I gonna come up with 2,000 dollars? Not everyone has a rich grandma!"

Since about third grade, Melody has always been able to vent to one person. Gabby.

"I mean she did have to slip and break her hip in a supermarket for the settlement. I am glad that I'm her favorite grandkid though!" Gabby shoots back.

Melody's mother, Allyson, comes into her room. Her mother, all though tested by, has done wonders at keeping Father Time from showing her real age. But that also comes with the territory of having melanin.

Allyson stands in the door way watching her daughter decompress from what has been previously described as "a literal kick in the ovaries" at the dinner table last week. "Hey, graduate! Homework?"

Melody leans her head off the side of the bed, looking at her mother upside down, and gestures to her phone indicating that she's on a call.

"Heeeeey, momma Randle!" Gabby sings from the tiny screen.

"Hello, Gabby. You two need to get started on your homework. Mel, dinner will be ready in a couple hours." Allyson turns to leave.

"What are we having?" Melody ask?

"Whatever daddy brings home I suppose." Even though the Randle family is quite familiar with hard times, they're more familiar with their ability to persevere.

Melody's father, Daniel, works as an assistant manager at the local grocery store. Because of his arrangement with the butcher, he's able to get free meat whenever there's extra. Daniel caught the butcher smoking weed with one of the cashier's. But because their both decent employees, Daniel opted for the free cuts.

But back to the conversation between Melody and Gabby.

"So, the Bensons over on Vanguard, are looking for a babysitter for Friday night. If you're available, I told them I'd ask."

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