
72 3 10

I don't do anything NSFW. Period.

No large age gaps. It's creepy

If you so much as MENTION incest I will scream

Gay ships are more than welcome :D

Genderbends are fine, but I'm gonna complain the whole time I write it

No x readers or x ocs

No crossovers

I'll use characters/people from the following groups?? Communities?? I dunno

Kagepro/actors (Unpopular opinion: Hiyori's death wasn'tevem sad cause she was a bitch)

Roblox myths (if you're a myth and don't wanna be included/don't want certain ships included message me and that'll be that)

Canon Splatoon characters (3 4 and 8 are female by default btw since it's like basically canon that they're female)

Countryhumans (hehehehehe)

Miraculous Ladybug (no Lukanette 🔪)

Splatubers (same thing. If you see this and don't wanna be included/don't want certain ships included, message me)

I can't think of anything else so if you have a request or maybe an idea of what else to include, comment them ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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