Skin color

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You black? You're beautiful. Why bleach your flawless melanin skin?
You White? You're beautiful. Why tan so much?
Sure I get it! You want to feel and look beautiful and be confident in yourself and do more of that plus going through multiple procedures and surgeries to achieve your perfect body goals. No one's gonna stop you from doing that.

But let me just say something here to make you aware and I know you already are;
You're blackness is what many whites would kill for and your whiteness is what many blacks would kill for. And that's not to put people under
categories. No! Absolutely NOT!
Why do whites nowadays are tanning their body so much? Yes they may say it is for fun or for perfection or what not but really they want a darker skin tone. They wanna change their skin tone to black. Vice versa. You're black and you're flawless, you're White and you're flawless. My point is, you gotta learn how to appreciate your natural skin color. Appreciate who you are.

To those of you who are struggling with problems like this, I just want you to reconsider your thoughts. Will there be any consequences or not? How dangerous will the bleaching and tanning of my skin/body be in the next 5-10 years? How effective will it be? Could it cost my life?
Think carefully before consider getting it all done.

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