Screw Caffeine

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As I sit here drinking my usual cup of coffee, I imagine you. I imagine meeting you again where all the wounds are healed and the scars have faded. I imagine meeting you in the most unexpected time and place, but hoping for it to be the right one that I've always been waiting for.

Sip, sip. Every sip, I imagine it to be every step.  Every step,  we both came closer to each other. Closer, I had a clear sight of your eyes, still seeing the reasons why I fell so hard. 'Damn, it's still you' I smiled at my thought. And you reciprocated my smile with a smirk.

"Long time no see!" you said. Your voice, oh how I missed it. How you sang my favorite tunes and spoke enthralling words. Avoiding a teary-crack, I gave you a quick nod.

I was stunned by the idea of meeting you again. 'Is this finally the right time?' I was overjoyed yet so confused. But all things became lucid when my coffee was no more. All of these were just another episode of my daydreams. Screw caffeine.

Maybe you were the right person, but we met at the wrong time.

I hope to meet you again.

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