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naomi bündchen.

naomi grew up in a large family in australia. she was originally born in melbourne and was raised there but her and her family often travelled to brazil, where her mother was from. as she grew up, she was surrounded by culture and languages, but at the ripe age of eleven, she took a love to criminology. when she pursued this, she was told she'd fail. considering naomi had been incredibly sick as a child with her type 1 diabetes.

as she grew older, naomi pursued it as a degree and when she finally achieved it, she was the happiest she'd ever been in her entire life. she got a degree and began studying for her master's. she moved over to the USA recently, and is making new friends.

she's outgoing, fun, but also quite shy at times. she tends not to speak first and doesn't enjoy starting conversations. however, she's not afraid to add fuel to a conversation and begin talking about controversial subjects and especially books.

culture, crime, books, the moonlight, music.

confrontation, rudeness, a lack of manners.

her birthday is july twenty-ninth.
she enjoys getting tattoos.
she's a lover of edgar allen poe.

she's a lover of edgar allen poe

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