Chapter 1

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I walked to school, feeling a lurch in my heart.

I didn't want to ride the bus, because then my friends would question me if I was okay.

Things had changed ever since Rose came to my school. She had done so many things to me that hurt my feelings like a ice shard hitting your leg. Hard, too.

I didn't want anyone being in my drama. My drama equals my life. Nobody should be helping me with it because I'm not a baby anymore.

I can control such things.
When I got to school, I headed for my locker, number 129. As I took out my math notebook, I felt a pull on my backpack; it was Rose.

"What was that supposed to be for?" I asked her.

"OMG! I am, like, so sorry!" She wailed (at least, she pretended to). "Oh, and, why are you using your locker before homeroom? It's stupid." I took out all of my notebooks, put them in my backpack, and said, "Mabye I like to be organized."

I left her with a evil smirk on my face. She wouldn't be crawling back anytime soon.
In math period I FINALLY got my test grade back. When I got it back, I totally lost it.

"AHHHH!" I screamed. "An A-?!? I got TWO whole questions wrong! I HATE math!!!"

At least, I said it in my head. Only I heard it.

When I got out of math my crush, Oliver, was at his locker. I wish I could of said hi or something, but I couldn't. It's not because I was shy or anything, even though I was a bit.

But the main reason was because Rose was talking to him, and even worse, in this girly-girl sort of way.

"Hi, Oliver! How's it going? How did the math test go? Eeeeee! I bet you did the same as me!!!" She squealed.

"Uhh, hey, Rose. I actually got a B on it! Cool, right?" He said sarcastically. "Err, look at the time! I've got to go. Bye!" He ran straight into me right just then.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I should of looked where I was going, and I-" He broke off.

"Oh, it's you, Clementine! Sorry I ran into you."

My cheeks flushed red.

"That's alright," I said. "Don't worry about me. See you later."

"Alright, bye, Clementine!" Oliver said.

I had so much homework to do when I finished that day at school. I layed out my math, history, drama class, science, and language arts homework. This felt like too much. Homework is one of the reasons I don't like school. The teachers expect me to sit my butt in a chair for hours and then come home and sit down AGAIN?! I don't think so.
It was nearly midnight when I finished. I jumped into bed like
I was getting an IPhone 6+ or something!

Yeah, that's how eager I was to just go to SLEEP!

I set my alarm for 7:00 am and almost immediately fell into a deep sleep. I had this weird dream about frogs in cars.

Let's just not talk about it.

Anyways, the next day at school was awesome! I got to talk to Oliver a bit, because he sat in front of me in history.

"Hey, Clementine." He said.

"Hi, Oliver. What's up?"

"Nothing much. But I need to tell you something important, and you can't tell anyone."

"Alright, then, tell me."

"You know Rose Patricks, right?"

"Yeah, I do. Can we not talk about her, though? She isn't really the most easy-going person."

"Oh, well, I just wanted to ask you if you thought she is a bit, well-"

"Not the best person to be around?"

"Exacta mondo."

"Definitely. Once, she tried to steal my science notebook so she could get an A for her notebook check and then give it back!" I said. "I got so mad."

"Whoa, really? That's sick. She tried to lure me into letting her look at my test that I got an A+ on so she could memorize the answers for when she took it!" Oliver exclaimed.

"By the way she talks to you all the time, she might have a crush on-"

Suddenly the bell rang and Oliver left.


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