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Chaos. The only thing that could describe the ceremony. Half of the attendees were dying or dead from the havoc that Kai had caused. The large chandelier that hung from the ceiling that hit the ground, resulting in Stefan to call out Aurelia's name.

"AURELIA!" He yelled, gaining Caroline's attention.

"Oh my God." The blonde said in horror, before the two sped to the fallen ornament, desperately trying to flip it over. "Come on! 'Lia!"

Stefan groaned, before his eyes landed on a scratched-up arm that stuck out of the mess, with a familiar ring on it. "Aurelia." He said, scrambling to get to her with the large piece of glass that was stuck in his arm. "Aurelia!" He said, louder, before trying to lift the chandelier up.

He broke it apart, before pulling her out, as Caroline rushed to her side, pulling out the shard of glass embedded in her waist. She suddenly gasped, her eyes opening as they darted around the room. Stefan let out a sigh of relief. "Stefan." She said, sitting up. "Where's- where's Jo?!" She asked, looking around. "ALARIC! JO!" She yelled.

Alaric's sobs caught her ear as she sped to him, kneeling down next to Jo's lifeless body.

"Oh, God." She said. "No." She cut her wrist with a piece of glass, before letting her blood drip onto the bride's lips.

They simply stained them, further confirming the fact that Jo was dead, along with her twins. Alaric cried loudly, begging hero her to come back, before Aurelia let a tear trail down her cheek.

"STEFAN!" She heard Damon yell. Her head snapped to look at him in the middle of the mess, before speeding to him, only to see Elena's unconscious body.

"Elena." She said. "Is your blood not working?!" She asked. He shook his head as Stefan and Caroline ran to them.

"She's not waking up." He said. "I don't understand." Aurelia could still hear her beating heart.

"She's still alive." She said.

"Get her to the hospital." Stefan stated. "Now!" Damon obliged, carrying her out.

"She's human, what if she doesn't—" Caroline began to say, but their necks were snapped as Kai appeared next to her temporarily dead bodies, staring down at Aurelia.

"Kai, what the hell are you doing?" She asked, before he smiled.

"Oh, nothing." He said. "Just saying this is a family matter, now." He picked up a large piece of wood. "And you started this siphon-crap, didn't you?" He walked towards her, as she slowly crawled back.

"Stop!" She said, holding her arm out. "I'll kill you!"

"But that would kill your whole coven, wouldn't it?" He asked, before grabbing her neck and picking her up, before he pulled her to him. He let her take support from him to stand, only to jam the wooden piece into her back, make her yelp as he pulled her to the altar.

She heard loud chanting from the Gemini, before seeing Jo's father with an Ascendant. "Sanguinem filio. Sanguinem effugarex perpetuum." They chanted, as Kai only laughed.

"Let me guess? Prison World?" He said, throwing Aurelia next to Jo's body, as she was forced to look at her dead friend, the small pool of blood around her growing and growing by the second.

Aurelia looked at her hands, before she closed her eyes at the sight of Jo's blood staining them. Kai knelt down next to her, looking at Alaric.

"Hey, I'm sorry about your twinsies. I just don't feel like competing for leadership with future Gemini twins." He then stood up, before looking at Aurelia. "See... when your family decides that you're nothing but an irredeemable piece of trash, well... I guess the best thing to do is prove them right, Aurelia? Didn't you do that? Kill all of your family and relatives when you turned, all except the leader and his own tiny little family?" He asked. Aurelia looked at him, before she shoved the stake further and further into her back, eventually impaling her completely as she screamed and begged for him to stop.

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