Lady Luxventi & Her Son

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Happy birthday month for our favorite little serial killer!

In which Tom M. Riddle Jr grew up in a loving home, with a good mother, and never knew the horrors of being an abandoned orphan.

Asexual and aromantic OC. Pure family-focus.

Genre: Gen

Rating: K+ — T


Amare Luxventi was always alone, but never lonely.

She was the last of her house, with her parents dying at a young age and leaving her to the care of her paternal grandfather, Lord Dominus of the Ancient and Noble House of Luxventi. Her family originated in Italy but migrated to England a couple of centuries ago. That being said Luxventi still owned plenty of land in Italy; mostly wineries and ranches. Due to their more recent immigration to England, they weren't as held in equal regard to other Ancient and Noble Houses such as the Malfoys or Longbottom. They were still considered an Italian Nobility and thus was largely kept out of the loop when it came to the elite social circles.

But that was fine for the family who was largely reclusive. They typically focused on their businesses and kept to themselves. They did not send their children off to school, choosing instead to homeschool them and groom them to take over the family businesses. It was unfortunate that this reclusive nature made it difficult for the Luxventi House to form proper alliances since attending school was such an easy step towards that.

In fact, the first Luxventi to break that tradition was Amare. With her parents deceased shortly after birth, and her uncles, aunts, and cousins following behind quickly, she was left entirely alone with her grandfather.

Dominus was already near the age of a hundred when Amare was left in his care, and he knew he simply did not have the energy to care for her.

He also knew that she would someday, sooner than later, be left as the last Luxventi.

Determined to see his House survive, he decided to send her off to Hogwarts with the express purpose of securing an alliance, and marriage for Luxventi.

She (barely) succeeded in the former, but not in the ladder.

Amare was brilliant when it came to academics, easily fitting in with her fellow gifted students. She excelled at potions and rune crafting. Anything she read once she could recite back, and she hardly ever needed a lesson repeated.

But while she was gifted academically, she fell short socially.

There was something awkward about the girl. Anyone who talked to her felt like they were talking to a wall. She lacked the grace to win over hearts or friendships, and while she did try to connect to anyone her own age, she failed spectacularly.

The students that "befriended" her did so on a professional level, treating her as an alliance and nothing more.

Even marriage proposals fell flat, despite her pureblood status.

So Amare graduated Hogwarts with alliances, but no friends.

She took control of Luxventi shortly afterward and threw herself into her research. She published plenty of papers, won a handful of esteemed rewards, kept her family businesses prospering, and brewed special potions for her alliances.

She was not invited to social gatherings.

She did not have any social visitors.

She did not talk to anyone outside of professionalism.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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