One hour to dawn

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One hour to dawn
Akiyoshi opened the door carelessly. He couldn't kill this one in his sleep. The old man, awake and holding a cup of sake in hand, was sitting on the floor. There was a vase of sake next to him.
"Hello son," said Haruki.
"I see you are awake, old man," answered Akiyoshi.
"Yes, I am."
"Do you know me?"
"I'm old, not blind. So many years have passed, but your scar is still there. Get down here and sit down in front of me."
"You knew I would come. You were worried that I would kill you while you were asleep, weren't you? That's why you are awake."
"When I heard Masatora, Akihiro, and Daichi died last week, I realized it was time, but you wouldn't kill me before getting answers to the questions that brought you here. I knew that for sure. I've been waiting fifteen years to deliver those answers."
"Sorry, I'm late."
"What time is it? I slept a little here. I couldn't help it."
"The sun is coming up, soon."
"Thanks, but I prefer to be sober."
"Don't tell me you are scared of this old man."
"An old wolf like you is more dangerous than five young swordsmen."
"You're right, but I think, even if I do my best, I have no chance against you."
"I think so."
"Who's turn was it tonight?"
"Everyone is dead now. You are the last. We started our work with Hayete after midnight. You will join him very soon."
"That's bad news! That bastard with his unsightly smile. The only time you can be glad to see him is when he's about to die, and unfortunately I missed it. However, I should join him for sure. I'm too old to escape my destiny, even if I wanted to."

"Goro, your marriage is arranged for next month, right?"
"Yes, it is."
"I want to ask you a question. Your father-in-law must be stupid, right? I mean, think about it. What kind of man allows his daughter to marry an idiot like you?"
"Could you shut up for a second, Masahiro?"
"You better shut up too, Goro. We're almost there. Someone may hear you two."
Akiyoshi was burning with anger, remembering the bitter memory of Hayete's sword going through his brother's body. That ugly smile of his, which was impossible to imagine him without, was burning him. Anger was pressing him, and he was transferring that pressure to the sheath of his sword.
"Goro, I really need the answer. I really can't understand it."
"You know what? I suppose, you are right. I'm an idiot. I'm your friend, and nothing is more stupid than that."
"Be quiet. That's Hayete's home. Let's get started. Hayete is mine. I'll finish him myself."

"Goro, you kill his eldest son, and I'll get rid of his other sons."
"You kill his eldest son. I'll go after the others."
"Be careful. You have to survive. That girl is waiting for you."
"Don't worry. There are only two. I can handle them."
"Let's go."
The door opened slowly and carefully. Akiyoshi approached Hayete's bed and pushed his dagger through Hayate's stomach.

"Hush, calm down. Your struggle is useless Hayete. It's painful, and you want to scream, don't you? I know, but I'm not going to let you. Now, I'll gently move my dagger deeper into your body to make sure that you will die with a great deal of pain. Yes, that's it! I'm enjoying your pain. How about you? Don't make that face. This is the result of your actions. You have to take responsibility for them. Ah! It's so bad. You are dead. How soon! Damn you bastard! I had barely started."
"Help me! Somebody help me! My husband! Help!"
Akiyoshi could recognize where that painful scream was coming from. It was Hayete's eldest son's wife, challenging the surrounding silence and peace around the house.
Akiyoshi  ran out of the room.

"Where is Goro, Masahiro?"
"He hasn't come out yet."
"Something isn't right. Let's go help him."

The door opened, and Goro came out bleeding.

"I killed them. We can go now."
"Your hand Goro, you're hurt."
"Don't worry. It's only a scratch."
"Let's go."
Akiyoshi, Goro and Masahiro quickly left Hayate's home behind. The howls of the Hayete's  eldest son's child and wife faded away, and insects' voices started to dominate again.
"What happened Goro? Why are you hurt? Were they strong?" asked Masahiro.
"Not really, but his youngest son, I never saw someone like him determined to live. That boy was really clinging to his life. They were ready for us," answered Goro.
"They had probably heard what happened last week. Don't underestimate them. Takeshi has six sons. Don't give them any chance to use their swords."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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