Begin Again

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Neung didn't know how it all happened. One minute he was playing a game on his bed, and the next his lips were on his best friends. He knew it was an accident, that wasn't the problem, his problem was that he *liked* it.

At the time, he played it off as weird, but his fast paced heart said otherwise. He couldn't deny the feeling to himself that he wanted to kiss him again- for real this time. Just as he couldn't deny the feeling of wanting to kiss Kay that day he fell on top of him during a pillow fight.

Truthfully, he thought about Kay's lips a lot over the past couple of years. However he always played it off as curiosity for what it'd be like to kiss a boy. After all, everyone has wondered about that! ...Right?

However, Neung didn't know how that could apply to the current situation. Kay must just be a good kisser, that is all. He doesn't *actually* like anyone else than girls. That was Kay's thing.

"Neung- are you okay? You are being very quiet?" Akk asked from beside him in the break room.

Pong shared a look with his roommate, Kin, before piping in far too cheerily with "did you have a lover's spat?"

After that comment, it took Neung a minute to respond, "we aren't lovers! And no- nothings wrong. I'm just bored."

Neung was left surprised by how much it hurt to say those words, and why he instinctively looked for Kay.

"We all know that's a lie. You can talk to us you know." Tone replied.

Realistically, Neung knew Tone meant the 'nothing is wrong' part was a lie- however that didn't stop his heart from skipping a beat at the thought of him and Kay as lovers. Instead of replying he just looked down, lost in thought.

He was conflicted. Was it possible that he could have feelings for his Best Friend? Was that why he felt giddy inside everytime Kay had an arm on him? Why Kay being upset affected him so much? Why he felt at home with Kay?

With that last thought, Neung knew that he could no longer deny it. He had feelings for Kay. He wouldn't admit it out loud either though. Not only was it too soon- but there was no way Kay liked him. He knew Kay was gay, but if he did, he would have hit on him already. Kay was always very confident in his flirting after all.

Suddenly, his realization turned to distraught. Kay didn't like him. He didn't have a chance. Instead- he would have to move on. Yeah that's what he had to do.

"I'm going out for supper tonight. I'll see you later." Neung stated as he slipped on his shoes.

"You aren't inviting me to come with?" Kay inquired with a pout.

Being couldn't blame him for being upset. He always ate with Kay. He can't remember the last time he didn't unless the other was working. They even ate on holidays together. They switched who's family they saw each year on Christmas too. It was there thing

"We'll have breakfast together tomorrow. I have a date tonight though."

"O-oh," Kay looked down and twiddled his thumbs, "I'll see you later   then."

Neung's resolution crushed under the weight of the emotion in Kay's face. It was obvious he upset the other and he couldn't handle it. He would just have to ignore his feelings in some way other. He didn't actually have a date after all, he just tried to avoid spending all his time with Kay.

"You know what? I should cancel it. I don't really like her anyways..." Neung replied trying to cheer Kay up.

"No- don't. Go. You might have fun."

"I've made my decision. I would rather have supper with you. Let me text her."

Being didn't wait for a reply before pretending to text someone, and then sitting at the table across from Kay.

"Are you sure about this Neung?"

"I'm always sure when it comes to time with you."

At this, Kay smiled his softest smile and looked down happily. This was always Neung's favorite smile out of anyone else. It could fill his heart with joy no matter how he felt beforehand. Thus, Neung was transfixed and he couldn't tear his eyes away.

Soon, Kay looked back up and his eyes met with Neung's. Neung gulped at being caught staring. Kay's smile only widened at this though.

"Neung- can I kiss you?"

Neung mutely nodded in slow motion, unable to make a sound.

Kay got up, and without much warning, his lips were on Neung's for a second time. This time though, both actually moved their lips and participated. Neung moved his hands to Kay's head drawing him closer as Kay rested his arms around Neung's neck. Neither moved until they needed more air.

As they regained air, Kay rested his forehead on Neung's. Any apprehension melted away as they smiled at eachother, just basking in each other's presence. They knew that they had passed the point of no return already. Their relationship would begin again, in a different, better way this time.

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