001 - JJP

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Sunshine Days

001 – In which JB is the sulky one and Jinyoung isn't having it.

Qingdao Fansign

By all accounts, JB didn't really understand why this time, of all times, he felt so... jealous. Childish. Sulky.

Petite hands gently waved in front of his face and he finally snapped out of it. Blowing his long hair away from his face he glanced up at the shy aghase in front of him, who was waiting kindly for him to, err, notice her. Shit, he grimaced inwardly. I spaced out in the middle of a fan sign. The other members repressed their chuckles at his antics beside him, at their oh-so-distracted leader. JB's mouth broke into an awkward smile.

"Sorry, I – " he began, but the pretty aghase in front of him shook her head furiously.

"No, no!" she held her hands up as if to show she wasn't offended or hurt. "I'm just so glad I get to meet you all!"

JB let his face relax into a smile. He loved IGOT7, he really did. He let those happy emotions take over him as he spoke briefly with the fan, almost forgetting about the incident. That is, until a certain raven-haired man poked his head out from his spot at the table to stare at the former b-boy, one of his perfect eyebrows raised questioningly. JB felt his ears grow hot, and he knew they were turning red. He silently thanked himself for his earlier decision to wear a headband – he pulled it down over his ears, then, so that nobody could notice his embarrassment. At least, not the fans. He had a hunch that the look Jinyoung was tossing him from two spots down the table was a knowing one.

Not even ten minutes before, Jaebeom had been minding his own business; meeting and speaking with the fans in Qingdao that had eagerly awaited the arrival of GOT7. That is, until he heard Jinyoung say fondly: "So...cute." Just as he waved goodbye to the fan, JB couldn't help but look over at the younger man, who was – lovingly? smiling and waving goodbye to his own fan. His lazy eyes immediately snapped towards the girl that Jinyoung was staring after, which, in JB's defense – was quite unusual of Jinyoung.

Of course. JB had to use all his willpower not to physically roll his eyes. Petite, cute, long black hair. Jinyoung's type.

Jaebeom let out an audible exhale. Stop being childish, stop being childish, stop being –

"Hyung?" To his left, Youngjae placed a hand on Jaebeom's shoulder. Youngjae smiled innocently at him before he let out a signature guffaw. "Are you okay? Need another bathroom break?" he snickered.

To his right, Mark shot him a knowing look, then shrugged.

JB rolled his eyes lightly at the otter. "In fact, yes," he replied, slightly sarcastically. He bowed towards the fans, standing up. "I'll be right back." He told his manager, who signaled to have a quick break from the meet and greet. The fans made a slight noise of complaint before returning to their seats. Bambam and Yugyeom took that as their chance to roam around the stage to sing and play, while JB made his way to the washroom.

He really did have to use the toilet, as it turned out, so he relieved himself in the stall, fuming about Jinyoung and the cute aghase the whole time. As he opened the door to exit the stall, Jinyoung's tall form standing in the washroom startled him.

JB yelped, "You scared me!" he jumped back and clutched at his chest dramatically. When did he even get in here. I didn't hear the door open!

Jinyoung cocked his head to the side innocently, looking at the leader curiously. "Hyung – are you okay?" the younger man reached out with one arm to place his hand on JB's upper arm. "You looked um, annoyed, earlier."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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