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My heart growls in pain

Pleasures are nothing but misery in vain

Prices paid break me like glass

A thousand pieces like the broken vase

Buds don't grow, flowers don't bloom

My rainbow is painted black with gloom

People may forgive but they never forget

Poisonous scorpions will attack

Guilt has come, so has rage

Tears of loneliness filling this page

Mistakes are nothing less than a crime

People's words, making me a mime

For all the lies that I have spoken

All the pain that I gave

All the hearts that I've broken

Karma now paves its way

In the dark corner, alone I cry

Tears dripping till eyes go dry

My mistakes, my crimes

It is my time to pay the fine

Walking alone I reminisce

How gratifying were these broken ties

I hope my life will fall back right

My dark world will welcome the light

BROKEN TIESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang