Phan Proof #1

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Dan and Phil met in late 2009 when Dan was only 19. A few days after they met, a video was released on AmazingPhil. This video was the exceedingly popular PINOF (PhilIsNotOnFire). If you haven't seen it, then I strongly suggest you do.

In this video, Dan and Phil answer questions asked by Phil's subscribers. They drew whiskers on their faces and it became a trend for them to do this in all their PINOF videos since then.

Throughout PINOF 1, there is a large amount of eye contact between the 2 of them. Yes, you may be thinking, 'it's just a friendly way to show you're paying attention'. However, Dan keeps constantly staring at Phil. You often look at someone quite a lot if you're attracted towards them because you want them to notice you or if you want to admire them.

If you look closely, you'll notice there are various scenes in the video where Dan and Phil are shown with smudged noses and if you observe the bed in the background, the pillows seem to move position after most of the jumpcuts and Dan and Phil's noses get more smudged throughout the video. Coincidence? I think not. Somebody's been snuggling!

Another key piece of evidence is the scene where Phil is shown next to his plush Lion held by Dan. Phil leans in and kisses the Lion and then Dan uses the Lion as if he was using it to speak for him, like a puppet. Basically, Dan was represented as the Lion which Phil kisses as if get was kissing Dan. Does that make more sense? :)

Another section of the video is which where Phil is asked: "If you had to lose your leg or your nose, what would you lose?". He responds with:

"I'd lose my leg. Imagine my face with no nose!"

Dan then says:
"Voldemort has no nose".
Phil then replies:
"I'd look like Voldemort!"
Dan then mischievously adds (whilst licking his lips):
"Voldemort's pretty fit to be honest".
Phil then goes:
"I already look like Voldemort!"
And Dan puts the cherry on top by saying:
"I would BANG Voldemort".

Real subtle Dan. We all know you were substituting Phil for Voldemort in this scenario. Contain yourself, naughty. XD Dan basically said he wanted to have sex with Phil on camera. Nice one Dan.

At the end of the video, Phil thrusts himself onto Dan's body, pushing him to the floor. They stay like this until the video jumpcuts to the ending. Hmm I wonder what was happening in the section they decided to cut out. ;) #FunTimes

If you're very observant (through all their videos), you'll notice that when they look at each other, their pupils occasionally dilate; meaning their pupils grow bigger. This happens when someone is attracted to something, in this case, Dan and Phil are attracted towards each other, causing their eyes to widen in lust.

On Dan's channel, they used the concept of PINOF and renamed it to create a separate series called AmazingDan. They do the same things in the video but with different questions (hurhur obviously).

There is a section in this video where Dan can be seen staring directly into Phil's eyes without him noticing. Dan's stare moves downwards as he supposedly looks at Phil's lips before Phil catches him in the act, causing Dan to turn his head away quickly, as he was obviously embarrassed. Aww. <3

You can also see both of them preen themselves to make themselves look more appealing to each other. Men do this when trying to impress others as they take pride in their appearance when around people they strongly like. They do this quite a few times in the video and considering most of the footage doesn't make it into the final cut, I can't imagine how much grooming must've taken place. C:

In all of their videos, there is always a moment when they touch each other casually, even though it's not necessary. You can often see Dan rest his hand on Phil's shoulder too. People touch each other purposely because they want to get closer to someone they like, to know them better. Touching each other could also be seen as a way to comfort or please the other person. Such as in this case, Dan is trying to be more open and caring towards Phil. :)

In all their videos together, they are constantly laughing. Some of these are understandable sniggers whereas a few of these giggles are for no reason at all. The situation they were in could be not particularly funny yet they'd randomly laugh.

Laughing indicates a sign of happiness. When you're with someone you like, such as a friend or soulmate, you're often quite elated and content in their presence, making it easy for you to laugh at any situation given. :D

If you want more of this then please don't hesitate to vote for it and if you want then you can follow me too! (I can follow you back if you want). C:

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