Bec Dark

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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ Contains death and rape

There was once a 17-year-old girl named Rebecca Infinite. She was an amazing fighter, she was beautiful, but she was different. What I mean by different is that she both could hack a computer like it was nothing and she had red irises. Though she was an oddball, she was a very sweet person and amazing in the grade department of school.

One day a new kid came to her school! He was super mean, especially when Rebecca welcomed him. At the same time, he was crazy about her. He stalked her and was a huge fan of hers but anytime she noticed him, he would be mean to her.

One night he was so infatuated with her that he broke into her house and killed her parents. When he was finished with her parents, he found Rebecca's room and tried to rape her while her 5-year-old brother was sleeping in the room next door. Luckily since she was a good fighter, she fought him off and he didn't get far. She proceeded to knock him out, then went to find her parents and inform them of the intruder. What she saw when she entered their room, was a nightmare. Her parents were brutally decapitated and gutted. She fell to her knees crying, hoping with all her soul that she was just having a nightmare. As time past, she realized she couldn't waste time mourning when the intruder could wake up at any time. She rushed downstairs to their kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife they had, before rushing back upstairs into her room where the intruder currently laid unconscious. When she saw the intruders face, all she could think of was the dead bodies of her poor parents in the other room. She was consumed by rage and sadness. She lunged at the unconscious body, stabbing and stabbing and stabbing, releasing all her anger and sorrow. Suddenly she heard a soft voice squeak out from behind her.

"Sissy? What happened?"Before Rebecca could think of a response, a slow and steady dripping was heard. The young and confused child looked towards the sound, which happened to be a red liquid seeping from their parents' room and dripping down the stairs. Duke may have only been 5 but he was a bright child. He quickly realized it was blood. Duke stared at his elder sister with fear as he noticed the strang body under his sister. It was at that moment he realized the same red goo that was dripping down the stairs, was all over his precious sister. As the situation sunk in, he dropped to the floor devastated. "Sissy, what did you do!?" Rebecca quickly stood up and proceeded to run over to Duke and collapse down to his height, hugging him. 

"It's not what you think bubby! This man took Mommy and Daddy away from us so I took him away from the people he loves. I was just protecting you. Now get dressed, we are leaving" She spoke to him, full of adrenaline. Duke quickly obeyed and went back to his room to get dressed while Rebecca did the same. Once they were both ready, she picked Duke up and took him out to her car. Once everyone was buckled, she drove off into the night.

"Sissy? Why are we here" Duke spoke upon arrival at an old abandoned playground. Rebecca had played here all the time as a kid till they shut it down due to a murder, but she couldn't possibly tell her frightened brother that.   

"Don't worry bubby, sissy just needs to think for a minute" The child nodded in understanding as Rebecca put her bag of necessity's on a picnic bench, then picked up Duke to hold for comfort. She starts brainstorming how they will be able to get out of this situation. She can't go to the cops, no way they'd believe that it was just self-defense! She doesn't have any friends that would help hide her and her brother so that's out the window. Suddenly a cold white hand being placed on her shoulder shocks her out of her thought process. She turns around just to see a tall, faceless, white figure in a suit staring down at her. Rebecca glances at Duke to make sure he's okay, and she notices he's passed out. She turned back to face the tall man when she suddenly realized who he was. "So... are you the famous Slenderman?" He nodded in response. "Is there any way you can help us? We are kinda in a bind right now." He nodded again, offering his other hand. Rebecca shifted Duke around so she could accept Slendermans' hand before everything went fuzzy. She closed her eyes feeling sick till she felt the air change around her. Opening her eyes, she realized they were now in a dark building surrounded by many famous creepypasta's that she recognized from the news. She glanced at Slenderman, silently asking why he brought them there.

"Would you like to become a creepypasta?"

3 Days Later

"3 dead bodies were found earlier today in a house in a local small town. Police have reported two of the bodies being a married couple and the third being a high schooler from the local school system. The current suspect is the couple's teenage daughter, Rebecca Infinite. We think she may have gone insane killing possibly a significant other or friend and her parents, then running off with her 5-year-old brother Duke Infinite. Both have been missing for the past few days. If you see this teenage girl or this little boy, or if you have any information on their whereabouts, please call the number on the screen. Any information at all is helpful." The television gets turned off by a scoffing teenager.

"Pathetic. Don't they realize it's Bec Dark now?"


That's it for the first story! Thank you so much for reading. If you have a request for any type of fanfic, just comment down below and I will get to it as soon as possible! Till next time ✌️

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