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Sometimes the smallest things can have major effects.

Something as minuscule as a word can ruin reputations and topple empires.

A butterfly beating its wings could have a dramatic effect on the world around it.

Or an ad on Facebook could potentially launch the beginning of something wonderful...

" So, we have gotten three replies to our ad." Willow's crystal blue eyes examined the screen in front of her closely as she read off the small letters.

" Oh? Any looking good?" Morgan lay her head on top of his girlfriends, examining the screen as well.

" So far? Nope." Willow leaned against Morgan more, revelling in the attention she was getting.

" Take a break, then. It is Christmas after all, kitten." Morgan's fingers tangled through Willow's, dark purple, hair as he delicately played with the ends.

" I know, babe. But we're getting low on money and another roommate is needed for us to be able to keep the house-" Morgan rolled his eyes, silencing his worry-wart with a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

" You worry too much. You're right. But you're over thinking." Morgan scolded as he reached over, gently shutting the laptop before he placed his hand on Willow's shoulder.

" Join us. We're getting ready for presents... And afterwords..." Willow smirked as she caught on to what Morgan was suggesting.

" Now that..." Willow slid her hand up to rest on Morgan's.

" ...Sounds like a plan." Willow continued as she ran her thumb over her hand gently.

" Get a room." Killian covered his eyes with a dramatic gag, but the smile that graced his full lips showed that he was joking.

Morgan rolled his eyes before throwing a stapler at his younger brother, smirking as it bounced off of his chest.

" Ow! That was rude!" Killian rubbed his now sore chest as he glowered at his grinning brother.

" Oops." Morgan said sarcastically before pressing another kiss to the top of Willow's head.

Killian shook his head before shuffling towards the living room, hands tucking into the pockets of his skinny jeans as he walked.

Misty lay draped across her girlfriend's lap, eyes closed as Angel tangled her fingers through Misty's short green hair, occasionally revealing the blue undertones through Misty's hair as her fingers massaged her girlfriend's scalp gently.

" Morgan and Willow coming?" Angel questioned in a soft voice, light brown eyes raising to eye Killian as he entered the room.

" Once they stop smothering each other in affection... They'll be here." Killian shuddered in disgust as he took a seat next to the two women.

" You're just jealous." Angel teased with a playful grin, gaze falling back down to her girlfriend's two toned hair.

" Jealous of what?" Killian asked defensively, deep brown eyes hardening as he glared at his older sister.

" You are the only one in this house that doesn't have a girlfriend..." Angel grinned as Misty let out a soft snicker at her words.

" Shut up." Killian smacked Angel in the face with a pillow, causing her mid-neck length, flaming orange and red hair to fluff with static.

" Be nice." Morgan scolded as he and Willow entered the room hand in hand.

" She started it!" Killian huffed as he returned the pillow to it's rightful resting place.

" Why you getting so defensive?" Misty challenged as her light brown eyes opened to look at Killian in an accusing manner.

" Could it be that, little Killy... Is lonely?" Angel teased with a wide grin, her question causing a bark of laughter to escape Killian.

" Nobody is going to get through to me. I don't..." Killian paused to release a shudder of disgust before he continued.

" ... Love. Love isn't my thing. Nobody will ever warm my ice cold heart..." Killian trailed off as everyone roared with laughter.

" We know, Killy. We know. Love isn't your thing." Willow rolled her eyes as she took a seat next to Morgan who had already taken a seat beside Killian.

" Never has been..." Killian paused and ran a hand through his curly, dark brown hair.

" ... Never will be." He continued confidently which made Morgan frown but nobody replied as Angel pulled a present seemingly from thin air.

" Present time." Angel said awkwardly as she set the present on Misty's stomach.

Killian tuned the others out as he pulled out his headphones.

He didn't need a girlfriend, that'd only tie him down.

He didn't want to fall in love, he wasn't capable of it.

And anyway, love is for the weak.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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