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It’s funny how one’s body can heal itself.

How a cut stitches itself up or a bruise just fades away like it was never there. However, scars tend to take longer just like a story you’re begging yourself to forget but you can’t; it takes time.

But if my body can heal itself then I’m sure as hell it can fix my heart and heal my mind. But why is it harder? Why does it take so long to get better? Like a physical pain is easier to heal than an emotional one, is that why people inflict physical pains upon themselves? Is it because they hope and pray that the physical ones can heal the emotional or mental ones or at least hide them for while?

You’d think that many people would much rather hurt from the inside than to hurt from the outside for all to see, but it’s the complete opposite.

I’d much rather hurt from the outside than in, that way people would notice and know how I crave for help rather than I having to ask for it, because I can safely tell you that I despise asking for help and not because I’m furtive or reserved but because I’m afraid that I will lose things close to me.

That one day you’d just get fed up and simply leave.

Walk casually and easily out of my life just as easily as you walked in.        

This is the story of our life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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