4 0 0

eighteen seconds until the sound of the canon. and who knows? in a minute might be dead.
no it's not right to think like that. you're a career evelyn, you're from district two. you're going to win this. you're going to bring proud to your district and if you die, you're going to die like a winner.
im trying my best to find jack, but the bright sun is blinding me.
jack harris is the boy from my district. before the games, i never talked to him.
he's two years older so i never shares classes or training with him. although i saw him in the hallways sometimes.
and i never felt like i had to talk to him. he seemed cocky and arrogant, and now i know for sure that he is.
okay focus Evelyn. find a sword and you're all good.
my eyes quickly land on a long sword. the silvery metal reflects the light from the sun and shines very brightly.
i prepare to start running.
The sound of the loud canon makes everyone start running at the same time.
but i'm one of the fastest.
it's like i'm running automatically, because i can't feel my legs.

i'm one of the first tributes to reach the cornucopia. i lay my hands on the cold sword. and i suddenly feel how powerful i am with this.
i could kill everyone in this arena right now. but people keep running away.

i hear footsteps behind me. someone sneaking up on me.
i do a quick turn and shove my sword right into the girl from district fives stomach.

my first kill. it felt weird, knowing that from now on, i'm a murder. but whatever i don't make the rules, i thought.

there aren't many people left at the cornucopia. just the five careers and a couple of dead bodies.

i'm from district 2, which means that i should team up with the boys & girls from district 1 and district 4. we're called the careers.

and we're the most powerful so it's great that we can all team up against the others. well, until everyone else is dead. then we'll have to start killing each other.

i see jack and i run up to him.
"how many?" i ask him. i obviously mean how many people he killed, and he seemed to get that since he answered

"three. the girl from 10, and the boys from 3 & 11. how about you?"
"one. the girl from 5"
"well that's lame" he scoffs.
"could you just not be an asshole for once?"
"don't use those words, we might be on camera"

"i don't give a fuck" i snarl, but then realise he was right. we are probably on camera in front of the whole panem right now. "have you met the others?"

"yeah. from district 1, meet Alexandra and Josh, and district 4, meet Ryan." he points out them all.
"so the girl from 4 didn't make it?"
"hi i'm Alexandra, but you can call me Alex cause it's easier to shout if you're dying and need my help"
i can't help but say

"i know we shouldn't make friends in this arena. but i think we're gonna get along well" and i shake her hand.

"guys it's really not the time to shake hands" jack says as he walks up to us.
i sigh.

"jack this is Alex, Alex this is my arrogant district partner Jack"
"well instead of having a little tea party, you could go introduce yourself to Ryan and Josh over there"

i sign and walk away to the two boys, who seem to struggle with something.
"hey boys, i'm evelyn" i say as they turn around and look at me.
"district 2?" i nod. "oh cool, i'm Josh from district 1"

"and i'm ryan, district 4"
"i know. jack-ass over there told me"
"oh, yeah you guys seem to get along well" ryan says ironically.

"whatever i don't need to be his friend, since i'll either have to kill him or watch him get killed in a couple of days"

the boys got quiet. i didn't want to make friends with anyone. but we were an alliance, so i had to stick with them.

"anyways, what are you two up to?" i asked them, totally changing subject.

"oh yeah, do you know anything about placing mines?" josh asked.
"not at all. why?"

"you see, we watched the 74:th hunger games and there was this boy who placed mines in the ground so that they'd explode if someone stepped on them. near our stuff"

"but all of their stuff just blew up because they didn't keep an eye it or something. but we figured out we're smarter than that" ryan filled in.

"it's a cool plan, but i don't think it'll work out. sorry to break it to ya boys" i told them.
hey boys & girls!
this is the first chapter of this really random book!
but i just thought i'd bring back some hunger games for ya:)
evelyn reminds me so much of clove in a way lol
i hope you enjoyed
~ Vee

~877 words~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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