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Todoroki: pov

As I was walking Frome school I walked past an ally but I herd a nois Frome the ally so I walked in the ally and I saw a kitten he looked lost so I took him in. He was brown. I decided make him have a bath now he is all clean. But apparently he is actually green not brown. It was time fore me to go to sleep. When I woke up in the morning I saw a unfamiliar face he had green hair like the kitte- wait i..is that the cat while he blushed I could see his tail behind him and his ears he was so cute I couldn't kick him out

And I asked "do you have a name" he said "n..no" I looked at him and said "can I name you" he nodded his hade yes so I picked "deku" "is that ok" he nodded his head yes. "Ok deku I need to go to school so bye I'll see you after school. "D..don't leave me" he said then I said I have to. "Ok" he said then I left.


"I'm home now" I said he came running towerds me so cute I thought

Deku: pov

There's a guy that actually didn't throw me out after I turned part human. Should i try to talk to him more maybe. "H..hi" I said "welcome home" I said " thank you" he said "hey w..what's you name" "shoto" shoto said. " Ok thank you" your welcome" shoto said nicely after living with him for a long time I grew closer and closer every day  and every time he left for school I would whine and Some times cry Evan but on the weekend it's like heaven for me. One day when he picked me up I felt a week feeling in my stomach I new I was not sick. Wait a..am I getting feeling for a human ahhhhh. So every time I saw him I would blush not knowing why. One day he said "do you want to go out for some ice cream" " yes" I said very exciting. He went to the car and said "get in" I quickly got in.

At the park:

He walked all around the park looking for the ice cream man we finally found him " can I get the vanella" shoto said
" Yes " "oh and I would like orange sherbet to as well" "yes" said the man "ok let's go deku" " ok" I said. We found a bench to sit on. And we talked and talked till it was 3 already we talked about dogs and how I don't like them

And how I like orange sherbert it's so good "that's my first time trying it" I said to him "wow" he said surprized ok "it's about time to go home now" he said tired. "H..hey shoto I have  question" "ya" he said.

                    To Be Continued  hehehehehe hehe hehe hehe hehe


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