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It was late on Martian Moon 2 and inside a dark room,dimly lit by a single light bulb a lone exhausted, sleep deprived dusty blond furred,brown haired male martian mouse sat tightly bound to a high back rolling office chair at a metal table bolted to the floor completley hidden by huge computer monitors on which lines of data filled the screen.

As his fingers rapidly flew across the key board he heaved yet another yawn, battling back the severe urge to fall asleep knowing the shock collar tightly fastened around his neck would ultimately wake him out of whatever sleep he managed to sneak.

Although the bells rang loudly outside his door, inside they could barely be heard through the heavy steel door that separated him from the rest of the prison population.

As he stifled yet another yawn, the male continued working the data on the screens ensuring to steathily save his progress to a hidden flash drive then saved it again to the prison's hard drive without the changes,each time expecting to feel a sharp twange of pain from the shock collar tightly fastened around his neck for stealing prison information from the stink fish, but to his astonishment, he recieved no shock and to his delight, for the first time in ten years, the tight straps across his chest that held him in the chair, were no longer tight and were allowing him to breathe easier. The only tight strap that held him in place was the one around his mid-section that kept him seated.

Several hours flew by until the screeching of the heavy metal door caught his attention but he simply dismissed it as his guards opening the door to bring him in a tray of what they called food and turned his attention back to the screens saving the data as it was to the flash drive and altering the data that he plugged into the hard drive to be uploaded.

At long last the inner door to the room he'd been locked in was screeched open just as he finished the last page of information he saved to the flash drive before altering it and saving the altered information to the Plutarkian server to screw them over and removed the flash drive, slipping it into his pants pocket just as he hit send to upload the virus riddled information to the server.

Basil silently thinks as the infected data uploaded:
I hope you all rot in hell and have a wonderful time running your antivirus software to get rid of this virus I made. There's no way in hell you'll get rid of it in this life time and I won't tell you how to get rid of it either.

Digger finally gets the door open and flips the switch to turn on the brighter lights saying: Basil? That you after all these years?

Basil in his thick Australian accented voice: Wouldn't be anyone else in here mate, I'm the only one they wanted to build their data bases. Too bad though, the only thing they'll be gettin is a nice virus that will shut down their servers for good. Now if ya don't mind, would ya be kind enough to cut these damned straps off of me or at least find out how the hell to get them off? It'd be mighty nice to stand up and have a nice long stretch then get this damned collar off my neck.

Digger reaches into his vest pocket and pulls out a flat head screw driver that he sticks into the key hole of the collar around Basil's neck and turns it counter clockwise until it popped off then pocketed his screw driver and pulled out his hunting knife and in one swift slice had the leather straps sliced off Basil saying: What the hell is all this data?

Basil snickers and says: A nice surprise for the stink fish that took me away from Autumn ten years ago. I've no idea where she or my kids are. I've got the original information on a flash drive in my pocket, the information packets they've been getting are laced with a nasty trojan virus. (Heaves a yawn saying) I never realized just how tired I really am until now, I feel a bit loopy.

Digger: Didn't they let you sleep at all?

Basil: Oh I'd say they let me sleep for fifteen minutes three times day while they tried out the virus riddled programs I made for their computers and that was it. (Notices a washroom across the room and says) I'll be back, I've waited long enough to relieve the ever mounting pressure. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be back. (Makes a mad dash for the washroom across the room leaving Digger to stick his head out the door)

Gage sees Digger and says: Where the hell's Basil?

Digger: In the washroom making himself feel better, this is the first washroom break he's had a crack at.

Gage: There's a washroom in there? I've got little ones here who really need to go before they go in their pants. (Turns around and says) Hey guys bring all the boys to the front and Digger here will take 'em in to the washroom.

Digger backs out of the way and allows the boys to file in and says to Basil who had emerged from the washroom: Would you ensure these guys use the washroom before we leave? It's a long flight back home. Hey is that a girls washroom over there? Awesome! Hey Gage!

Gage turns around and says: What?!

Digger: There's a girls washroom in here too! If any girls need to go they can go as well!

Gage turns back to his group and says: Alright bathroom break before we leave! In there and follow Digger's directions.

Digger directs the group saying: Girls to the left and boys to the right (Watches as his group splits into males and females heading into their respective washrooms saying to Basil) You don't know where Autumn and the twins are?

Basil: Mate if I knew where they are, I'd find them meself. We were separated ages ago, our kids were split up. They took our youngest twins a few months ago. I have no idea if any of them are even alive and if they are, where they're located, hell I don't even know if Autumn's alive since it's been so long since I last seen her. (Hears the group coming back together and says) Everyone out! We have two hours before all hell breaks loose, follow Gage to the entrance that was blasted and board the ship, Digger and I'll bring up the rear. (Watches as the group fresh from the washrooms filed out of the room and out the door in single file following Gage who had just blown a hole in the nearest wall to accomodate the rescue ship's gang plank that had been lowered and says) Alright everyone up the gang plank to freedom. (Watches as the group walked up the gang plank and boarded the ship then followed behind Gage saying) Everyone else left behind is what? Being picked up by somone else?

Gage laughs and says: This is the last batch, all the other floors of the prison were cleared out days ago. This batch was the last floor to be found as it was cut off from the general population. Hell I'm lucky I found you!

Basil boards the ship and sits down in an empty seat and for the first time in ten long years, he fell asleep and remained asleep for the long flight back to Arsis base

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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