Eliza's Revenge

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I look at the empty wooden picture frame barely able to breathe or see clearly! I turn my head to the ground to see the shredded up picture laying on the floor. I see his long curly brown hair and his deep blue eyes in the teared up photo from our wedding day. I hear "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood play and turn up the volume. I listen to the lyrics as she sings, " And he don't know, I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up four wheel drive, I carved my name into his leather seats. I took a Louisville Slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all 4 tires! Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats!"

I thought about her decisions in the song, "Maybe I should get some revenge on Alexander! I don't care about the consequences! God. I hope that he burns!"

I drove to our second house where he's been staying for the past month but parked ½ a block away. When I arrive, I find that there is another car in the drive. I try to fight back my tears. I use my key to unlock the silver antique lock my grandmother gave us for our wedding gift and I walk into our room to see him kissing some girl!

"Eliza! I can explain!" He pleads. His voice is anguished and I start to wonder if he really is cheating on me.

"Explain what! That you don't care about this!" I hold up my wedding ring, "Or this!" I look down at my stomach. "I'm 8 1⁄2 months pregnant, we're having twins, and we're married!" I take a deep breath to calm myself. "Who are you?" I turn to the girl who was kissing my husband.

"Amy Hedwig." She responds with a flip of her long ponytail.

"Eliza! Please let me explain!" Alex pleads for the second time. If he is so worried about me understanding, maybe I am missing something.

"I don't want you here." I say to Amy. She takes her hair out of her ponytail. Her hair is a beautiful transition from a dark brown to a beautiful purple. Her hair complements her dark but pale skin. She also has light blue eyes. I gather what she looks like in my mind so I can complete a police report on what seems to be a break and entry.

"We'll this isn't your house, it's Alex's! And he may be your husband, but he loves me!"


"LEAVE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS! OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I scream into her face. She starts to walk toward Alexander I stand in front of him protectively.

"Leave now!" I say it with fury.

"Okay, Okay! Geez!" She turns to Alex. "See you later, sweetheart!"

"No, you won't! I'm ordering a restraining order against you!"

Amy leaves.

"Oh. My. God. Are you OK, love? Did she hurt you?!"

"No," Alex replies. "I'm good. If you don't mind, I'm going to go to bed."

"No, of course I don't mind! Goodnight!" I hurriedly reply. "I'll meet you in a little bit!"

"Goodnight, darling."

After Alex heads to bed I grab a piece of paper and a pencil and I start to draw what she looks like so I can show it to the police. I then download the footage from the security cameras. The next day I went to the police station with the drawing, footage, and her name. Amy Hedwig. Within 3 weeks she was caught in Athens, Georgia, about 50 miles from Humble, Texas.

2 months later Eliza and Alex gave birth to their son and daughter and named them Phillip and Angelica respectively. Sadly two years later Amy broke out of jail and was furious when she found out Eliza and Alex had a 2 two year old kids. She killed them, leaving without a trace. She then returned to the prison as if nothing had happened. Or so she thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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